Slow download at – What helps against interference?


The launch of CoD Cold War is experiencing server problems. Many Players cannot start the game. These tricks can help.

Launch problems: As expected, the launch of Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War is experiencing download problems in the client. On Reddit, only a few minutes after the official release, there are already a lot of reports that the servers are not available, or that they simply can’t start the game.

The problems do not only affect the multiplayer mode. Also the singleplayer campaign cannot be played. Currently it seems to depend on luck whether you can connect to the servers or not. It is not yet possible to predict how long the problems will last.

What helps? Some users explain that restarting the client repeatedly can help. But this is not guaranteed. If that doesn’t help, you can still try the following tips to get the game running.

Problems with Players often look for tips for faster download rates at Especially with new updates of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone, there are often problems that drag out the already huge patches.

Activision Blizzard is aware of the situation and points out in the Battle-net launcher that limited download rates may occur time and again. This is not only due to the large number of concurrent users who are often busy with new updates, but also to the increased data volume due to the ongoing corona pandemic.

In its own blog post, Activision Blizzard takes a closer look at the problem. People are simply at home more often and spend their time using the Internet and games. As a result, download rates are sometimes severely limited, especially at peak times, especially for large data packages such as extensive game updates.

Problems with These tricks can help
If you have already set the download rate to 0 (0=unlimited) in the client settings, your client should use the maximum available bandwidth. If Call of Duty loads too slowly, try one of the following advices:

Change region at
Since the download rates are linked to the respective region, you can use a simple trick:

– First pause the current download
– Now the region in the user interface changes from “Europe” to “America
– Now restart the download.

After the download has started again, you should notice an improvement in the download speed. If that doesn’t help either, you still have the option to switch to a remote server.

If you use a VPN, you can connect to a server in a country where there is probably not a lot of Internet use at the moment. Use a world clock to find a place where it is currently early in the morning.

Once you have connected to the remote server, restart and start downloading. Now you should notice a significant improvement in the download rates for CoD: Modern Warfare, Warzone and Co.

Overnight download
At night, outside the regional peak hours, the download rates can be significantly better. So if you leave your download running overnight, with a little luck you’ll wake up to a completed patch for Call of Duty and Co.

Huge CoD updates increase the problem
CoD Cold War will be a big game again: On the PC you need up to 125 GB of storage space. But the good news is that you can only install single data packages if you wish. If you only want to play the normal multiplayer, it will only cost you 35 GB. The exact system requirements for Cold War can be found here:

The patches for Call of Duty: MW and Warzone also make the situation worse with slow downloads for players. Since some updates for the 200 GB game are also huge, the data hunger of the numerous game clients is causing the download rate to slow down. Before the launch of Cold War, for example, a thick patch with 33 GB was released.

We asked Activision for their recommendations for slow downloads as well as the general update size, but received no response. In the meantime you can at least reduce CoD: MW and Warzone itself.