The Bren in CoD Warzone becomes an absolute precision weapon with a simple trick




Light machine gun for snipers: Here’s how to easily repurpose the Bren and turn it into a precision beast in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Looking for an extremely effective weapon for Call of Duty: Warzone without having to grind for 20 hours to unlock the best attachments? Don’t worry, there’s a simple trick: unlock the Bren, a powerful LMG from CoD Vanguard and Warzone.

It’s worth levelling up this weapon, as with the right modifications like the large 50-round magazine with .50 BMG ammo, it will grow into a monster in the later stages anyway. But once you’ve unlocked the Bren in its very basic bare-bones form, you can still use it as a laser. We’ll tell you how to do that.

This is how the Bren becomes a precision rifle

The trick is easier than typing lol: You just have to switch the firing mode to semi-automatic (default key N). Now the Bren shoots only one bullet per mouse click. If you now spam the fire button, you shoot completely precise shots in fairly quick succession that have no recoil.

So you don’t tear upwards as in continuous fire, but always stay at the spot you were aiming at, even without compensating movements. Reddit user Matthew106 shows you just how effective this simple trick is with a video:

First, the resourceful player fires a normal continuous volley that causes the barrel of the Bren to move upwards as usual. Here, a lot of work on the mouse would be necessary to hit at least halfway precisely.

He then switches to semi-automatic and clicks quickly to achieve a firing sequence that comes close to the continuous fire mode. As can be clearly seen, the aiming point stays in place, making the Bren a virtually recoilless weapon.

So at present, it might be worth using the Bren in this way. Whether the developers at Raven remove or mitigate the feature (bug?) in a future update may also depend on how popular this way of playing proves to be.

Don’t fancy LMG lasers and would rather play a proper assault rifle? Then we recommend this StG44 setup in CoD: Warzone.

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The new Season 1 in CoD: Warzone is all about the new Pacific map and 2021’s Call of Duty: Vanguard. We summarise what there is to know in the article above.