The most important terms in CoD: Warzone – What TTK, Perks, LTM and Co. mean


ADS, Ghost, TTK, UAV – Some confusing abbreviations and terms are common in Call of Duty: Warzone. An overview with the most important explanations.

Like every game, Call of Duty: Warzone has its own terminology and abbreviations that may not be understandable at first glance. Many players also communicate using English terms. To guarantee you an easier start in the shooter, we have summarised the most important terms here.

  • ADS – Aim Down Sight; when aiming with the right mouse button or the left controller trigger, you aim downwards and can shoot more precisely. The opposite is “hip firing”, i.e. simply shooting from the hip without aiming.
  • Akimbo – Not a CoD term, but you will come across it more often. Akimbo means holding a weapon in both hands and firing.
  • Armor Plates – The armour in CoD consists of plates. A total of three plates can be equipped by default, each giving +50 HP
  • Attachment – Attachments and modifications for weapons, e.g. a sight, barrel or laser. Attachments change the values and handling of a weapon.
  • Bounty – A bounty contract where money is earned by eliminating an enemy marked on the map.
  • Buy Station – An in-game buy station where items such as gas masks, armour, UAVs and more can be purchased with cash.
  • Dead Silence – One of the most commonly used field upgrades. It makes your footsteps quieter for a certain amount of time and you won’t be heard by enemies
  • Downed – If one’s health drops to 0 HP, one becomes paralysed and must be revived.
  • Field Upgrade – At level 45, unlock more handy items, such as Dead Silence, a weapon drop or an ammo box.
  • FOV-Slider – Those who spend time in forums or on social channels will have questions about a FOV slider. The “Field of View” slider lets you change the view individually on consoles and zoom in and out of the action.
  • Ghost – Probably the most used perk in Warzone. With this, UAVs, heartbeat sensors or radar drones cannot detect the user.
  • Gulag – After the first death, players wake up in the Gulag and have to fight each other to respawn.
  • Hip Fire – The opposite of ADS, namely when simply shooting without aiming. Involves less accuracy, but is faster.
  • Killstreak – If one has achieved several kills, killstreaks can be acquired. These include, for example, an air strike on enemies, a drone or a shield projectile.
  • Loadout – The equipment. In the loadout several things are set before the game. Weapons and their attachments can be selected, but also perks or grenades.
  • LTM – Limited Time Mode; a game mode that can only be played for a certain amount of time.
  • Most Wanted – A contract where you are marked for enemies on the map. Survive for three minutes and your team respawns.
  • Mount – Unlike other games, a mount is not a mount, but the ability to rest your weapon on a surface. Allows for less recoil and better aiming.
  • Operator – The character you play with.
  • Perk (plural: Perks) – Special trait that can be selected during loadout. This gives the operator various advantages, such as a longer tactical sprint or the ability to notice when an opponent has the player in their sight.
  • Plunder – Another game mode besides Battle Royale, in which as much money as possible must be earned.
  • POI – Point of Interest; this refers to points on the map that are of particular interest. For example, the mobile transmission stations, buildings, satellite crash sites, anything where there is loot and enemies.
  • Recon – A contract where a location is marked on the map where data needs to be uploaded.
  • Scavenger – A contract that requires opening multiple crates for loot and money.
  • TTK – Time to Kill; time needed to kill an enemy with a weapon. If a weapon has a lower TTK, enemies are eliminated faster
  • UAV – Unmanned aerial vehicle; an unmanned aerial vehicle that reveals enemies on the map for a short period of time.
  • Wallbang – When an enemy is killed through a wall or barrier.