The Real Noscope – Invisible Weapons Glitch in Warzone

Glitch in Warzone
Glitch in Warzone

Invisible things and Warzone go hand in hand. But this time it’s not vehicles or players, it’s your weapons.

What would a Warzone update be without new bugs? In order to avoid boredom in your rounds, weapons are not displayed more often in Season 4 Reloaded. You have them in your hand and can shoot, but you don’t see the model.

Why is this a problem? First, of course, there is the distraction factor. Imagine you’re changing your loadout and shortly afterwards you’re being pressured by enemies and you don’t see a weapon in your hand. But not only is the bug confusing, it also has real disadvantages.

For example, no sights are shown to you. So when you want to aim, your crosshairs simply disappear and you have to estimate very well where the centre of your screen is.

Is this considered a no scope if the gun hasn’t loaded yet? from CODWarzone

The bug can occur in any location when you are picking up a new weapon. In some cases, your implement will become visible again after a few seconds, but some users report that it remains invisible for the entire round.