Warzone helicopter bug: You’d better not land here

Warzone Helicopter Bug


A helicopter bug has appeared on the warzone map Rebirth Island. Landing and boarding ends partly fatally.

The player and YouTuber “Rito Rhymes” uploaded a clip of the helicopter bug in Call of Duty: Warzone a fortnight ago. The bug ensures that the helicopters simply destroy themselves in certain areas on Rebirth Island. In some cases, this eliminates the entire squad.

The video shows several accidents involving exploding helicopters. For the players killed, there are no clues in Warzone’s kill feed, at least in Rito’s video. According to the YouTuber, the bug on Rebirth Island has existed since the game’s release in 2020 and so far not much has been changed on the part of the developers.

The coastal strip in the south of the map is, with minor exceptions, affected by the exploding helicopters. A narrow strip at the level of the Control Centre marks the western area and from there a large area stretches all the way to Nova 6 Factory. In the video, the player shows a more detailed map with the anti-heli zones.