Warzone – Mega update nerfs too powerful weapons

Warzone weapon nerf

The latest update in Warzone is live! This time there are a lot of nerfs, which according to the patch notes should bring the weapon meta into balance.

The latest update in Warzone is live and brings huge changes to the weapon meta. In addition to minor gameplay revisions and some bug fixes, the AMAX, FARA and the Streetsweeper are all getting the chop!


The tusk 77 has been added to the ground loot. You can find it under the frequent variant, the uncommen variant and the rare variant now in Verdansk.

The Streetsweeper Shotgun and Bullfrog SMG will no longer appear as ground loot in Verdanks 84′ as of now. In addition, their attachments and the various stocks have been revised.

Bug fixes

Various bugs have been fixed on the map. Firstly, characters are no longer displayed in low resolution at the start of a match and secondly, it has been fixed that players can be in out of bounds areas.

The ADS speed and the rate of fire for the weapons: AK-47, FARA 83, XM4 and RPD have been adjusted.  These were previously decreased with the attachment of a Tactical or SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stock instead of increased.


In order to expand the range of viable long range assault rifles, Raven Software has lowered the damage of the AMAX from 32 to 31.


The FARA 83 was designed to be a secondary weapon for close combat to support the primary long-range weapon. Again, the weapon has been slightly degraded. The base headshot multiplier value has been set from 1.5 to 1.35 and the base ADS movement speed has been reduced by seven percent.


The Streetsweeper now has an increased hip shot dispersion with a stronger recoil. In addition, the ADS speed has been slightly reduced.


The Bullfrog’s maximum damage has been reduced from 34 to 32. The maximum damage range of the SMG has been increased by 11% and the ADS movement speed has been increased by 1%. Sprint Out speed has also been increased by 13%.


The maximum damage range has been increased by 4% and the open bolt delay has been reduced by 80%.


Combat Recon

In Combat Recon for snipers, the bullet speed multiplier was increased by 12%. However, the ADS Idle Sway multiplier has been reduced by 33.3%.


Improved optical performance for the Axial Arms 3x sight.


Raider/KGB Skeletal Stock (For Assault Rifles, Light Machine Guns, Shotguns and Snipers).

The ADS firing speed multiplier has been increased by 75% and the
ADS movement speed multiplier reduced by 10%.

Raider/KGB Skeletal Shaft (SMGs)

ADS rate of fire multiplier reduced by 50% and the
ADS movement speed multiplier reduced by 10%.

SAS Combat/Spetsnaz stock (For assault rifles, light machine guns, shotguns, snipers).

The ADS firing speed multiplier has been increased by 75% and the
ADS movement speed multiplier reduced by 10%.

SAS Combat/Spetsnaz Stock (Submachine Guns)

ADS rate of fire multiplier reduced by 50% and the
ADS movement speed multiplier reduced by 10%.

Tactical Stock (assault rifles, light machine guns, shotguns, snipers)

ADS multiplier for movement speed reduced by 75%.

Tactical Stock (Machine Guns)

ADS multiplier for movement speed reduced by 50%.