Warzone – Quality testers still on strike


Call of Duty: Warzone quality testers went on strike before the release of the new map and are apparently still being ignored.

Let’s face it. Warzone is going through a tough time right now. Many players are complaining about gross gameplay errors, some of which are graphics related, while others, as is the case with some console players, don’t even allow you to start the game at all.

Now it has been revealed on social media that some of Raven Software’s quality testers have been fired even before the release of the new map. Other quality testers protested and went on strike against the firings.

“We have been on strike for almost 17 days now without any response to our demand: Those laid off from Raven QA must be reinstated. Soon we will start our paid leave (which organised workers have been fighting for).” read the tweet from the ABK Workers Alliance.

The main reason for the strike was apparently that the QA testers were being asked to move to Wisconsin where they would be given a full-time contract and employment. In the end, for many of them, this did not happen. The situation is far from ideal and may explain why there are currently so many problems in Warzone. However, with the holidays coming up, it is unlikely that the situation will change soon.