Warzone: Slide-canceling made easy


Slide-canceling is one of the basic building blocks in the gameplay of Call of Duty: Warzone. Today we explain why this technique is important and how to execute it correctly.

If you’ve been loyal to Warzone for years and pay attention to the meta, you’ve probably heard of slide-canceling. Essentially, it describes the mechanic of cancelling the slide across the floor. This trick gives an advantage in many situations, but is not only interesting for eSportsmen.

Sprinting is important here because it allows players to run instead of walking or sneaking. However, sprinting is limited in time, after all, the soldiers should not be able to run across the map incessantly at top speed. The slide cancel, however, allows for exactly that. Basically, this technique resets the cooldown time of the sprint.

How does the slide cancel work?

Now it’s time for the infamous sausage! If you can do the following steps correctly, your K/D rate will increase by at least 150 percent… no guarantee, of course. To make slide-canceling as easy as possible, you first have to select the right settings.

In the movement options you will find the “slide behaviour”. This must be changed to “Tap” and “Automatic Sprint” to “Tactical Sprint”. After that it is a matter of putting the settings into practice, and for this the following steps must be followed:

1). While sprinting, tap the “Sneak” or the “Duck” button (Then you slide across the ground instead of stopping sprinting)

2). During the slide animation, the same key must be tapped again.

3). With the correct timing, move back to the sprint animation, which now starts “from the beginning” and allows the longer run.

Since quick movement is the key to success in Warzone, this is a true pro tip that many players are already doing. Practice makes perfect, first try it out in an easier setting than Warzone. It also works in normal Call of Duty multiplayer and brings an enormous advantage there as well.