Worse than EA? Absurd Pay2Win Bundle in Warzone 2


A new bundle in DMZ mode is sending the Call of Duty community into a frenzy. The Pay2Win bundle offers direct in-game benefits and spells doom for many in Call of Duty Warzone.

While Activision has been able to skirt the Pay2Win issue pretty well so far, the developer studio has now allowed itself a move that has the entire community in a frenzy. A new bundle for the DMZ mode gives players massive in-game advantages – an absolute no-go for the community.

What bundle are we talking about?

With the Season 3 Update of April 12, five new premium bundles found their way into the Warzone 2 shop.

These are operator skins and weapon packs that are exclusively available in DMZ mode 

However, by purchasing the respective bundles and equipping the skins, players will receive real benefits.

For example, the operator skins provide players with additional equipment to start a round that would have to be earned without the skins.

The Operator skins provide the following bonuses:

  • EOD Specialist: Medium Backpack
  • Sinister: Self-Revive Kit
  • Thorns Out: UAV (Reconnaissance Drone)
  • Classic Ghost: 2-Plate Armour Vest

In addition, the Boom Proof Weapon Pack provides a bonus effect that sets the cooldown for insured weapons to 15 minutes.

To top it all off there is also another bundle that must be purchased to unlock a fourth Active Duty slot.

     All the P2W DMZ benefits IW added with today’s update
by    u/TheRealPdGaming in     CODWarzone  

“Activision outperforms EA “

The Call of Duty community is beside itself over this development. Until now, Activision has been able to do well without Pay2Win, but this phase now seems to be over for good.

On (Reddit) and (Twitter) players share their bewilderment:

Well, guys. It was fun while it lasted. Activision is basically outdoing EA now with shameless money grabbing. P2W makes this game even more meaningless.

Another user on (Reddit) writes that this action has ruined the game for him for good and he will never buy a Battle Pass in Warzone 2 again.

While a few try to defend Activision’s decision, the majority of gamers agree on how bad this development will affect the game.

Despite the loud criticism, however, there has yet to be any comment from Activision itself on the Pay2Win bundles.