You won’t make it through this Warzone Operator Challenge!


This bug should have a special place in Warzone’s cabinet of curiosities. Daniel “Ronin” Shinoda’s Operator Challenge to get the “Honjo” skin is a real challenge.

No hit runs in Dark Souls 3 are just snacks to you? Nintendo difficulty only brings a weary smile to your face? Then congratulations, you’ve qualified for Ronin’s Operator Challenge from Warzone!

To get the Honjo skin, all you have to do is follow our tutorial. To do so, start Warzone and go to the shop. Select Ronin’s Operator Bundle – be careful, don’t buy it yet! First look in your wallet for a €10 note. Have you found one? Very good! Take this note and hold it between your thumb and forefinger. Next you need a working toilet, throw the note in and press the flush button, whether it’s a water-saving button or not is up to you.

You feel like you’ve just been had? Sorry about that, but now you know how Reddit user segaboy16 must have felt when he read what challenge he was supposed to complete for the Honjo skin.

Where is downtown again?

The actual task of the challenge is to use a spray in the Downtown POI while playing with Ronin. Actually a pretty easy task, just start a warzone match on Verdansk and…oh there was something. Verdansk is no longer playable at all.

It should have slowly become apparent that segaboy16 has been ripped off by the Warzone developers. It is simply impossible to complete this operator challenge to unlock the Honjo skin. Whether Raven Software is aware of the problem and is working on a solution is doubtful. So far there has been no official statement about the $10 bug.