CS:GO community celebrates – ex-pro pashaBiceps wins MMA fight


Jarosław “pashaBiceps” Jarząbkowski has been a crowd favourite in CS:GO and delighted fans with his successful debut in the HIGH League in February.

Jarosław “pashaBiceps” Jarząbkowski is the prototype of the modern esport player and thus the opposite of many gaming clichés.
Already in his active career, the former Polish CS:GO pro showed off his muscular arms. Last weekend, he proved in the Polish MMA league HIGH League 2 that there is more to him than just pumped-up muscles.

The international CS:GO scene celebrated pashaBiceps’ victory in Mixed Martial Arts on Saturday night. In HIGH League 2, the 33-year-old Pole defeated his opponent, the bodybuilder Michał “Owca” Owczarzak, in the celebrity match. Already in the second round, pasha knocked his opponent down with a right straight after 19 seconds. Owca sat dazed on the mat, palpating the right side of his face after that fatal blow before he managed to get back up but was already waving it off.

His opponent actually took a beating with this one. As ESL representative Michal Blicharz reproduced from the Polish media, Owca suffered a fractured eye socket and retinitis. Under the Twitter post, pasha himself commented, “I don’t like this.” With this, the CS:GO fan favourite invoked the Like function and expressed the utmost respect for his opponent. Owca is a member of the well-known bodybuilding YouTube channel “WarszawskiKoks” in Poland. In the end, however, everyone was interested in pasha’s triumph.

The big names of the CS:GO scene congratulated pasha on his success, which also indirectly promoted the shooter due to his glorious past. His organisation Team Liquid, for which he works as a streamer, was one of the first to celebrate on Twitter. He was joined by the official CS:GO Twitter channel, which changed his professional picture to pasha’s winning picture.

Also among the well-wishers were renowned CS:GO journalist and host Richard Lewis and former pasha competitor and friend Olof “olofmeister” Kajbjer Gustafsson. G2 pro Nikola “NiKo” Kovač was also happy for pasha. Numerous spectators kept joking with references to CS:GO that “Papito” was also handing out the one-taps in real life.

Some voices from the CS:GO community are already asking developer Valve when the “Papito stickers” or even a graffiti of pashaBiceps will appear in the game to also virtually celebrate his MMA triumph. From 2014 to 2018, pasha was part of the golden generation from the Virtus.pro organisation, with whom he won a major title.

All in all, pasha has made widespread headlines due to the Polish media interest and the high response of the international CS:GO scene, while at the same time contradicting the stereotype that esportsmen can’t also have classic sports on their hands.