CS:GO – Source code leak causes excitement


Excitement in the CS:GO Community! On 22.04. it is announced that a source code of the source games Team Fortress 2 and CS:GO has been released to the public. Valve reacts quickly.

After the leak became known, some players feared that hackers could now gain access to their computers during online matches.

This should be possible with the help of Remote Control Execution. This allows the hacker to execute code on the players’ computers unnoticed. This would allow access to their data, for example.

Valve responds quickly to Twitter
On the official Counter-Strike Twitter account, the developers give the all-clear just a few hours later: the leaked code is already outdated and players of the latest version of the game have nothing to fear.

But not only the code of Counter-Strike was leaked. This seems to be the case also with Valves meanwhile forgotten Shooter Team Fortress 2. According to parts of the community, hackers could already use the code in this game and start first attacks. Whether these are only rumors, the developer has not confirmed so far.

It is now recommended to keep Team Fortress 2 closed until the situation is resolved. Should the rumors come true, Valve will probably need more than just a new security patch.