Fewer rounds in Counter-Strike 2


This summer, Counter-Strike 2 is supposed to take over from Global Offensive. Recently, there have been reports of significant changes, such as the number of rounds played

With Counter-Strike 2, the next offshoot of the popular tactical shooter will soon be ready. But it is not yet known when exactly developer Valve will grant access to all interested parties. So far, the game has only been reserved for a few players. Nevertheless, more and more reports are surfacing about what Valve has planned for the future of the shooter.

13 instead of 16 rounds

One of the biggest changes could be the lower number of rounds. Dataminers have reportedly found out that teams will have to win fewer rounds in the future to decide a map in their favour. Accordingly, instead of “First to 16″ it will be “First to 13″ in the future.

Apparently there will also be a big change in terms of overtime. Instead of playing until one team is able to defeat the other, as was previously the case, Valve is possibly planning a maximum of one overtime. Should neither roster be able to prevail at the end of it, the match will end in a draw.

With these changes, not only would the game time be drastically reduced, but they are also getting closer to what Riot Games is pursuing with Valorant. However, this report should still be taken with a grain of salt, as Valve has not yet officially commented on it. As reported, Counter-Strike 2 is to be released this summer exclusively for PC via Seam as a Free-2-Play title.