G2 overtaxed – Natus Vincere triumphs at the IEM Katowice 2020


After the Eastern Europeans swept the world number one in the semi-finals, the crowning glory followed today in the final against G2. With a clear 3-0, Natus Vincere claims the CS:GO throne.

G2’s trying for Nuke.
The first map already caused a big surprise. G2’s choice actually fell on Nuke. Of all things, the map on which Na`Vi had already swept Astralis off the server. As it turned out, G2 was also not sufficiently prepared for Oleksandr “s1mple” Kostyliev & Co. and with a 4-16 he received an even bigger clap than the Danes.

Especially Ingame Leader Kirill “Boombl4” Mikhailov played himself into a real frenzy and finished Nuke with the spectacular statistic of 32 kills with only 11 deaths.

Close duel on Dust 2
On Na`Vis Mappick Dust 2 G2 showed a much better performance and prevented a repeat of Astralis’ disaster the night before. Nevertheless, the Eastern Europeans were still leading 8-7 after halftime. After the changeover, G2 came back up to 13-13, but the map finally went to Na`Vi 16-13, certainly because star player Kenny “KennyS” Schrub was weakening here as well. With just 50 average damages per lap the Frenchman found himself at the end of the scoreboard.

Mirage for the crowning glory
The last map of the final was Mirage. Again a mappick from G2 and again an absolute demonstration of power from Na`Vi. The Eastern Europeans only gave away one single round in the first half. Youngstar lya “Perfecto” Zalutskiy even managed the feat without a single death from the first half.

G2 ran his head against the defence of Na`Vi again and again and in the end he seemed mentally completely beaten. The second half was then only a formality and the Eastern Europeans secured the tournament victory with great merit.

After two fantastic days in a row Na`Vi is definitely the team of the hour. Is this also the beginning of a new era in Counter-Strike?

You can find the complete tournament schedule and VoDs in our Megathread as always:

IEM Katowice 2020 Megathread

Did you expect Na`Vi to dominate so much? Tell us about the social media!