Is CS:GO 2 coming? Nvidia update fuels Source 2 rumours


The Counter-Strike community has long been speculating about when the new game engine Source 2 might arrive. A hint in the Nvidia graphics driver update now scatters new rumours.

The question if and when the new game engine “Source 2” will make its debut has been occupying the CS:GO community for years. A hidden hint in a graphics driver update from the developer Nvidia now gives gamers new hope.

Is Counter-Strike 2 coming?

Some attentive observers have recently noticed a peculiarity in an Nvidia update.

Hidden in the code of the player profiles are the files “csgo2.exe” and “cs2.exe”.

GabeFollower“, who has been following the developments around Source 2 closely for some time, shared the info on Twitter on 2 March.

According to GabeFollower, the files have been hiding in the update data since February.

While this discovery naturally suggests that Source 2 could be on its way soon, we shouldn”t get too excited too soon.

Back in August 2022, the community had expected the release of the new engine to coincide with CS:GO”s 10th anniversary – and were disappointed.

Shortly after, it was assumed that the new engine might be released before the Rio Major in October 2022, but this did not happen either.

Conversion could also backfire

Although CS:GO has been consistently reaching new record player numbers for over 10 years now, a breath of fresh air could do the community some good.

Source 2 could raise the game to a new level, especially in terms of performance and graphics.

On the other hand, a change to a new engine brings a lot of risk with it. CS:GO is Valve”s drawing card, so the developers will be thinking a lot about the release date.

It remains to be seen whether the discovery in the Nvidia update is really a decisive indication of a timely release of Source 2.