Revolution in CS:GO – Is a tablet better than a mouse and keyboard?


Is a tablet revolution coming to shooters like CS:GO? YouTuber WarOwl demonstrates how well a tablet can perform in his latest video.

“Shooters are best played with a mouse and keyboard.” A statement that simply elicits nods from many gamers. But that might soon be a thing of the past.

Drawing tablet as an alternative

YouTuber WarOwl came up with something special for his latest “Unboxafragathon” video. Instead of his normal setup, he used a drawing tablet as a substitute for his mouse.

And it worked surprisingly well.

Neither sprays nor flicks seemed to pose him much of a problem. Only with the camera movement did WarOwl have a little more difficulty. The YouTuber’s impression was even that recoil control was easier with the tablet than with the mouse.

This positive assessment naturally leads to the thought experiment of whether, with enough practice, a tablet user could make it to the pros. At least according to the rulebook, there would be nothing to prevent this, as the tournament organisers have not specified a peripheral.

With tablet into high MMR regions

WarOwl is not the first player to succeed with unusual peripherals. In VALORANT, Kariyu managed to fight his way up to the diamond rank. Also with a tablet instead of a traditional mouse.

There are still too few players who actually prefer to play on tablet instead of mouse and keyboard to be able to draw any real conclusions. But the two examples mentioned with drawing tablets could indeed be groundbreaking.

It will hardly be possible to aim more precisely than with a tablet.