(Unplayable): Counter-Strike 2 is under massive fire right now


CS2 has a big problem at release: the servers are not only overloaded, but also regularly provide unfair advantages on the side of the terrorists.

Millions of shooter fans have been eagerly awaiting the hotly anticipated release of Counter-Strike 2 in recent weeks. Now the big shooter update for CS:GO is here – and the enthusiasm is gone. Currently not only Cheater make life difficult for the players, but also grottenschlechte server.

High ping & poor connections

As previously reported, the rush to CS2 is so huge that Valve has massively increased its server capacity. However, it has apparently not yet brought anything.

In the social media, more and more players are speaking out, who need to vent – high pings, jerks and other connection problems bring shooter fans to the brink of despair.

An example of a particularly severe case where a bad connection is causing frustration can be seen in the following video from Reddit user goli333:

Peeker’s advantage on 10 ping
byu/goli333 inGlobalOffensive

What happens here? At first it looks like the player will still be killed by his defeated enemy after his demise. But in reality, he is killed by a second player who comes around the corner shortly after.

If you look closely, you can recognize the barrel of the gun. But the rest of the player is not yet visible – and still he can score a kill.

CS players are furious: In the (comments) under the clip, players agree that the scene shown is not an isolated case. Due to the server situation the so-called Peeker’s Advantage is currently extreme and CS2 is unplayable on the side of the defenders.

Peeker’s Advantage is a phenomenon that occurs due to high latencies. The player who is around the corner peekekt can already see his enemy here and thus has a significant advantage over the waiting player.

Some players suspect that the new subtick system of the CS2 servers could be to blame. On the part of Valve, there is still no statement about this problem. The developers did admit to server problems in a tweet last week, but only in relation to matchmaking, not in-game performance.