The patch notes for 1.3 are huge – and yet they don’t tell you everything that’s different in Night City. We collect important hidden changes.
The patch notes for Update 1.3 were longer than Johnny Silverhand’s register of sins – and yet they didn’t contain everything that has changed in Cyberpunk 2077. We equipped ourselves with the latest cyberdeck to rummage through the net for all the hidden innovations. And in the process we found some surprisingly important hidden changes.
For example, the DLCs don’t just bring two new jackets, as many believed after the developer presentation, but a whole 35. And if you prefer to travel as a sneaky netrunner, you might be in for a nasty surprise.
The Hidden Changes of Patch 1.3
With the Jacket DLC, two new pieces of clothing go directly into your armoury in the flat. But you can discover many more variations of them in the world – something CDPR didn’t even mention in the stream introducing the DLC. Players have found a total of 35 different colours and textures, all of which you can see here:
To stay with new clothes for V: Finally you can find and equip a MaxTac uniform! It was first seen in the very first teaser for Cyberpunk 2077 – back in the distant year 2013. You can get the armour pieces in Judy’s Apartment. However, only after you have completed the quest “Pyramid Song”. However, there are significantly better Armor items, so we’re still hoping for Transmog.

– The next hidden change makes trash more worthless. Previously there were some items that were worth 750 Eddies – this has been lowered to 150 Eddies. On the one hand annoying if you are short of money, on the other hand the perk “Scrap collector” is no longer so risky – with it you automatically disassemble collected scrap into its parts, which could cost you a lot of money before.
– Before you sell body parts to the scavs out of desperation, read the next innovation: Crafting components have become cheaper again. If you have money problems, it’s now even more worthwhile than before to stock up on individual parts from traders, craft stuff and sell it again.
– Another hidden change concerns the in-game mods for clothes and weapons, or rather, their display. Previously, you could only see how much the individual stats of modded items were improved, now they are clearly listed: Each mod has its own entry.
– Hard to see are the changes that affect the engine and streaming of Cyberpunk 2077. Since CDPR is apparently deeply screwing here, there may be massive problems with mods with update 1.3. So if you suddenly notice serious errors after launch, it’s best to deactivate all fan-made content and wait for compatibility patches.
Small hidden changes
A few new features that change details and above all provide more immersion are also hidden in Update 1.3.
Nibbles: Your cat has not only got new sleeping places in V’s flat, but also shows new behaviour. For example, she now goes to her litter box.
Appropriate parking space: Until now you couldn’t drive right up to the door of the mox bar “Lizzie’s” because the game stuck your car to the ground with chewing gum. Since patch 1.3, you can now park next to the entrance with smoking tyres.
What happens next in Cyberpunk 2077?
Update 1.3 fixes a veritable mountain of quest and tech bugs while introducing some important changes. Nevertheless, many players still hope for much more
The developers themselves also say that the road is far from over. Patch 1.3 will certainly not be the last major update – presumably there will be a few more to follow, with free DLCs in the bag. And then there are the promised big expansions, for which there is still no release date. It is also unclear so far whether the announced NextGen update will actually be released in 2021.
CDPR’s next quarterly report will be published on 1 September 2021. If important information is announced in it, you will of course find it out directly from us!
Have you found any other hidden changes? If so, please let us know in the comments! We will add to this list if we make any new discoveries.