With the update 1.5, a lot of hidden changes also make their way into Night City. We have tracked down some exciting new features that CDPR has hidden away.
Patch 1.5 for Cyberpunk 2077 is quite mysterious. True, the page-long patch notes are packed to the top with new features – four flats, more believable AI behaviour and so on. But there is much more worth talking about.
As usual, developer CDPR doesn’t reveal everything that has changed in the huge game world. So we went in search of clues in the dangerous alleys of Night City and snatched 17 secrets from the neon metropolis. Some of them contribute to the immersion, others mainly affect your play style.
For our in-depth review of Patch 1.5, including upgrades, go here:
Cyberpunk 2077 1.5 in test: The role-playing game has never felt so good
The hidden changes of patch 1.5
* New Pet: After patch 1.5, Nibbles the cat is no longer the only pet you can adopt! In our guide, we explain how to find and hatch an iguana egg
* You can now order a Jackie Welles: Finally, the cocktail named after your buddy is available for purchase at the bar in Afterlife. Ever since the first hours of Cyberpunk 2077, fans have wanted to be able to toast the charming rapscallion appropriately. Cheers! (By the way, here you can find the real (recipe for the drink))
* Gorilla arms make you stronger: The cyberware now gives V bear powers, which makes it easier to break down doors, among other things – even if you haven’t actually invested enough body points. In numbers, they give you 6 bonus points.

* Nanowire is no longer a blunt weapon: Another popular cyberware has also been secretly changed. The deadly monowire now counts as a blade and scales with Reflex instead of Body. Fits much better, after all, you can amputate limbs with it just as cleanly as you can with your katana.
* Messages from Judy’s Grandma: Yes, that’s right, you might be contacted by Judy’s grandmother Ainara who wants to know who her granddaughter is dating this time. You can either block her directly (if you’re a monster) or engage in an interesting conversation. You’ll even find out Judy’s “real” first name!
Here you can see the whole conversation if you’re not dating Judy but still want to read the messages:
* More fun with Panam: This romance also got some exciting new features. You can now lovingly hug the nomad – and she may send you a provocative picture via message. And by the way, a certain scene in the tank is now much better lit. You know the drill.
* The streets are crowded: At times Night City looked like it was empty, even if you were on a powerful machine. After patch 1.5 we can assure you: The crowds are back. And there are also lots of cars roaring through the streets again, which is extremely good for the immersion.
* Skippy has been generated: The talking gun has apparently received a big nerf. It now has to be manually upgraded and no longer automatically gets stronger as your level increases. Some fans are currently complaining that this has massively reduced the damage and made their skippy builds worthless. At least you can still remain friends.

Small but nice changes in patch 1.5
* Your shadow now has hair: Did V’s shapeless shadow regularly send shivers down your spine? Then you can now breathe easy. Finally, there’s no more bald and distorted likeness clinging to your feet
* Umbrellas! The NPCs no longer have to stand unprotected in the corrosive rain, but stretch out umbrellas as soon as it starts to drip. Only V still gets wet like when he jumps into the harbour basin, but I guess that’s part of the hard mercenary life.
* More light: Both in the character editor and in the inventory the lighting has been improved (yes, that’s also in the patch notes). However, it is still a bit darker than most game scenes. So still calculate that all colours in the game will pop more than in the editor! If you have changed colour after all, you can now change it in the mirror:
Cyberpunk 2077: Change appearance and skill reset – we explain how it works
* The dildo bat: This weapon for the special moments in life has almost reached cult status. Now there is a new animation when V pulls out the giant phallus for the first time – and we are firmly convinced that Lead Quest Designer Pawel Sasko himself is behind it. He just giggled too conspicuously in the livestream.
* Saburo Arasaka’s younger self: You meet the Arasaka leader in a flashback in the year 2023. Until now, he looked rather decrepit. Now you are confronted with a younger and stronger Saburo.

* Featherweight Grenades: Your explosives now have no weight, so you can pack V’s backpack completely full without worrying about your discs.
* Mantis Blades are even cooler: Remember that spectacular jump kill with the forearm blades that was featured in an early trailer? This takedown has now finally landed in the game. You have to learn the ninjutsu perk “Hidden Dragon” and jump at an opponent from above.
* The Black Unicorn: This fancy katana decorated with Witcher symbols will automatically end up in V’s lair if you own the game on GOG or link it to your GOG account. What’s new is that the runes now glow much more than before, finally giving the sword a suitably cyberpunk style.
* Vs original look: Thanks to new options in the character editor, you can recreate the face that stares back at you on Cyberpunk’s wallpapers.
And these are by no means all the changes that only reveal themselves on closer inspection. In the Reveal Stream for Patch 1.5, the developers spoke of “thousands” of such hidden changes. Of course, we’ll keep our eyes open and update this article if we come across more exciting secrets. Feel free to share your own finds with us in the comments!