Cyberpunk 2077: Alleged 38 GB update surfaced, what is behind it?

‎Cyberpunk 2077 New leaks reveal DLCs
‎Cyberpunk 2077 New leaks reveal DLCs

A large update for the role-playing game is said to have appeared on Epic, Steam and GOG. We put the current rumours about Patch 1.3 in order for you.

When will Update 1.3 for Cyberpunk 2077 finally be released? This question is currently on the minds of players, after all, several months have passed since the last major patch 1.2.

Now a dataminer wants to have found the answer. According to him, the new update is currently being tested and should go live soon. But how credible are these rumours?

This is what the rumours say

On Reddit, some alleged information was published: According to this, a large patch is already available on Epic, Steam and GOG, which is currently being tested. It is said to weigh in at 38.2 GB, so many assume that this is the next big update 1.3.

According to the source, it should be released in two to three weeks – that would be somewhat in line with our own prediction.

A few more details that you should take with a grain of salt though:

– It’s said to be a mandatory update for Epic players, which you’ll also need to download for offline mode.
– Placeholders for DLCs and addons are said to have disappeared from the Epic Store:

There are good reasons to remain sceptical here for now, as the source of the rumours is not without controversy.

The “leaker” is not unknown

The current rumour comes from Reddit user and dataminer PricklyAssassin, who posted a list of alleged DLC titles a few weeks ago. However, he was probably wrong with it: CDPR got in touch shortly afterwards and announced that the information was not correct. Therefore, we do not necessarily consider the “leaker” to be credible.

To make matters worse, this time he did not even share his alleged findings via screenshot. His reasoning in the Reddit post: They would only show the same things he had already written.

What is in Update 1.3?
The exact content of the next big patch is not yet known. We already made some guesses ourselves about what a bug report for Cyberpunk 2077 could reveal. And the players already have many ideas and hopes. You told us yours in the poll linked above as part of the analysis of the most reported problems.

In the comments under the Reddit post, some speculate on technical advances such as performance improvements or DLSS 2.2 support. And of course, many Cyberpunk fans would like to see new content that goes beyond the previous bug fixes. However, this is more likely to be in the announced DLCs, for which there is still no release date.

Until then, we are left with the current version of Cyberpunk. We explain how it stands compactly in the video:

Marketing caused confusion: Only recently, hopes were raised for the “biggest update yet” for Cyberpunk 2077 when a promotional video surfaced. But in the meantime it turned out it was all a big misunderstanding.