If you want to earn a lot of Eddies in Cyberpunk 2077, you’ll have to get your hands a little dirty. Find out how to quickly fill your account in Cyberpunk in our guide!
The best weapons, fast cars, stylish clothes or the latest cyberware: everything in Night City has its price. To avoid being constantly short of cash on your journey as a street kid, nomad or corpo, it’s worth hoarding Eurodollars – colloquially known as “Eddies”.
Even if you think, “I don’t need stylish clothes, what’s the point of earning money?”, keep up. There are various quests in Cyberpunk 2077 that you can solve quickly with enough Eddies. A frustrating and difficult quest will become a walk in the park in no time. Also, be vigilant when choosing your Perks. With abilities like the advanced network interface and advanced data analysis, you’ll be picking the pockets of Night City residents.
In our guide, we explain where to find the best loot and how to get lots of money fast.
Quick Overview:
- The money is on the street: collect junk!
- How to sell items in Cyberpunk 2077
- Your opponents carry half a fortune with them
- Breach logs fill up your account!
- Accept Regina’s orders
- Summary: How to quickly get Eddies
The money is on the street: And sometimes it’s a barbed dildo
Night City is a city full of surprises. Unsuspectingly, you visit a dark alley and find a colorful spiked dildo waiting to be collected. At first glance, junk that you can find everywhere in Night City is a nice gimmick.
But in Cyberpunk 2077, nothing is left to chance, because you collect the “junk” along the way. No long grind, no nerve-racking side quests – the money is on the street, just like that.

Sell Components Instead of Scrap: Any junk you find in Night City can be sold. However, most items are more useful if you break them down into crafting components.
If you don’t need the components for crafting, you can get a good amount of Eddies for them at terminals (see below). For example, common crafting components yield 5 Eddies, while uncommon ones yield 8. That’s significantly more than you’ll get for most junk!
Mind you, for most scrap. Some valuable scrap items bring significantly more in normal sales, especially necklaces and other jewelry items are worth hundreds of Eddies. So you should not disassemble them, but sell them directly.
How exactly to sell items at terminals, we explain below in our guide.
Table of Contents
Convenience vs. Money
If you want to save time when crafting, the Recycling perk under Technical Skills will help you with item crafting. This is a convenience skill that automatically converts collected scrap into crafting components. But beware: While most scrap is worth less than its crafting components, there are scrap items that are much more lucrative when sold normally – especially jewelry. So use the disassemble perk at your own risk.
Selling Items in Cyberpunk 2077
Once your inventory has reached a critical level of components, it is recommended that you visit one of the numerous vending machines in Night City. At these vending machines you can conveniently sell scrap, crafting materials and superfluous items. It should be noted that the vending machines do not provide you with unlimited Eddies, but have a limit. The respective limit can be seen in the vending window.
Take your time looking around Night City, turning over every stone and opening crates. Your scanner will not only mark valuable loot, but also junk items in the immediate vicinity. Use it as often as you can and use every free space in your inventory.

Also search outside of the missions. In some locations, like the Clouds nightclub, boxes can be looted. Some of these boxes can earn you several thousand Eddies in one go.
By the way, scrap is stacked in your inventory, so you can easily collect identical items in large quantities without it taking up your entire inventory. And if you do run out of space, you simply break down the loot into components that can be stacked as well.
Consumables are not pack animals: sell superfluous items!
Besides scrap, you’ll find a lot of items in Cyberpunk that can give you different boosts like health regeneration, more stamina and other advantages. With a balanced playstyle, healing sprays for health regeneration are perfectly sufficient. Drinks and other food items are stackable like junk items: however, 10 cans of lemonade is too much of a good thing and is not suitable as a capital investment.
Since healing sprays are thrown at you, you can sell all consumables without a guilty conscience.
Unlike in most role-playing games, the theft of consumables is not punished. Attention is rather rewarded and pays off in Cyberpunk.

Your enemies carry half a fortune with them: loot them!
Night City can be brutal and cruel, In addition to weapons, you can literally take the shirt off enemies’ backs: Shoes, pants, tops and jackets can not only be converted into components, they can also be traded for Eddies. Besides stylish accessories, enemies also drop weapons: you can use them yourself, recycle them or – you guessed it – sell them as well.
Unlooted enemies are marked with an X on your minimap. Gray markers show normal loot, colored ones highlight higher quality loot.
Junk, consumables, and loot from your enemies will provide you with additional income during a quest besides the regular pay.

Disassembling pays off: Sell components instead of items!
Dismantle weapons and clothing to sell components: Especially at the beginning of the game, when you capture a lot of low-quality items, it can even be more lucrative to disassemble the guns into crafting components and sell them to vending machines (see above)!
For example, a crappy level 1 pistol will fetch you around 15 Eurodollars when sold. But if you disassemble it, you’ll get eight common and three uncommon components, which bring a total of 63 Eurodollars!
Later in the game, however, it may be more lucrative to sell the items directly – depending on their quality level, they may bring more money than the components. To see in advance which components you will get when you dismantle them, just move the cursor to the item in the backpack. A small “(+ number)” in the upper left corner will then show how many components of the respective category you will get.
Our table shows their respective value, so you can calculate whether the components would be worth more than the actual item when sold.
Bouncers carry treasures
During my first hours in Night City, I was wandering through the various districts and a bouncer grunted at me from the side, telling me to get lost. Bravely, I pushed past the imposing figure and stood in front of a locked door. The first blow missed me and reflexively my fist sped towards his face decorated with cyberware.
The gorilla, who had just been convinced of himself, lay on the floor and revealed a treasure to me: a synth tooth necklace worth 750 Eddies! That’s Cyberpunk 2077, too: An inconspicuous encounter can become material for a whole story.

Hack safes, network nodes and terminals: Breach protocols fill up your account!
Hacking plays a big role in Cyberpunk 2077. Are you short on cash right now, but still have a few skill points left? Invest them in the perks “Improved Data Mining” and “Advanced Network Interface“. Both passive perks are available in the Intelligence tab under Breach Protocol.
- “Enhanced Network Interface” will automatically mark access points nearby. If you use a quick hack on safes, network nodes, or terminals, you will receive Eurodollars.
- The “Improved Data Mining” perk increases the amount of Eddies by 50 percent at level 1 and by 100 percent at level 2.
To hack computer terminals, it is recommended to invest at least 5 points in intelligence. Later on, you will come across terminals that require a higher intelligence value.
To hack computer terminals, it is recommended that you invest at least 5 points in intelligence. Later on, you will come across terminals that require a higher intelligence value.
Not Regina again: accept her orders!
You’re searching the alleys of Night City for loot and V’s cell phone rings? Take those calls, you can continue collecting junk during the call. Your interlocutors don’t want small talk, but often offer you lucrative jobs.
Shortly after starting your adventure in Night City, you’ll receive a call from Regina. She wants to make you a one-man army in the fight against cyberpsychos. She wants you to find 17 individuals suffering from cyberpsychosis and deliver them to her alive. In return, you’ll receive Eddies and improve your Street Cred reputation.
The side missions are another very lucrative source of income. During the missions you’ll naturally collect more consumables, junk and weapons.

Street Credibility: Yo, I need a new job!
In Cyberpunk 2077, V’s reputation plays an important role. Your Street Credibility not only gives you access to special weapons and armor, but opens up entirely new ways to earn Eddies. You’ll earn Street Cred by completing missions and jobs for gangs. Keep your eyes open and answer your phone when someone calls!
As your street cred increases, so does the difficulty of missions, at the same time you will receive more Eddies for completing a job. Merchants will give you a discount on their goods depending on your Street Cred.
How to get Eddies quickly
Let’s summarize the fastest way to get money in Cyberpunk 2077:
- Collect junk, break it down into components and sell them to vending machines
- Sell consumables – no one needs them, healing sprays are enough
- Loot your enemies: weapons, clothes – everything can be sold
- Hack into terminals and network nodes: Intelligence and perks make it possible
- Take orders from NPCs: They bring you Eddies and increase your reputation
- Build Street Cred: The higher your reputation, the more likely you are to get lucrative jobs