Cyberpunk 2077: here comes the prequel manga


After a problematic debut in 2020, Cyberpunk 2077 has made an impressive recovery. The detailed open-world game and compelling narrative have since won over a huge fan base. But the universe doesn’t end with virtual reality: with novels, graphic novels and the celebrated Netflix series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners , the franchise has developed into a multimedia phenomenon. Now, a new manga called Cyberpunk: Edgerunners – Madness is expanding the spectrum and providing exciting insights into the series’ backstory.

Manga adventures for everyone: free and multilingual,

The first chapter of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners – Madness is 44 pages of action and excitement. Readers can download it via Amazon’s Kindle app – and not just in German. Translations into Spanish, Polish and even the Japanese original are available, giving fans worldwide access. Bartosz Sztybor, an experienced author who has already been involved in the Netflix series, took over the creative direction of the manga. His work guarantees a gripping and emotionally profound story.

The manga adds further fascinating facets to the world of Cyberpunk 2077 and offers new perspectives on familiar characters. The franchise offers fans a wealth of possibilities. Whether it’s the novels, the series, or the manga – the journey to Night City remains varied and exciting Cyberpunk: Edgerunners – Madness seamlessly ties the story into the established universe and promises an exciting sequel for the coming year. A must for all those who love cyberpunk and crave more.