Cyberpunk 2077: How to adopt cat Nibbles for Vs Apartment




If you want to bring more life into Vs Apartment in Cyberpunk 2077, you can adopt a little naked cat with Nibbles. We’ll tell you how to do that in our guide.

In Cyberpunk 2077, animals are a real rarity. Nevertheless, you can adopt a small naked cat in the role of V, who then calls the flat in mega-building H10 her home: Nibbles. A detail of Cyberpunk 2077 that has already been brought to your attention by our colleague Elena. What do you need for it? Just a little cat food and patience.

In the following guide, we’ll tell you how to get cat Nibbles into V’s flat and how to find the cat food you need.

How to adopt a cat in Cyberpunk 2077

Prerequisite: To get Naked Cat Nibbles in Vs Apartment, you must first have completed the quest “Playing for Time”. After that you can follow the described steps

Step 1: Find Nibbles’ Food Dish

First you have to find the cat’s food bowl and a data shard. To do so, simply leave V’s flat and turn left. Follow the corridor until you come to a fork to the right. Directly on the right side is a food bowl on the floor. To the left of it is a rubbish bin with the splinter “katerr füttern”. Collect this and read what it has to say and you’ll know.


Step 2: Find cat food for Nibbles

Now you need food to attract the cat. Some traders have cat food on sale from time to time, which you can buy from them. You can also loot cat food from the one or other enemy. However, this is random, so we’ll tell you two places where you’re guaranteed to find cat food.

Note: After patch 1.5 there is no more cat food in the Arasaka Industrial Park.

Cat food in Rancho Coronado

  • Travel to “San Amaro St.” in north Rancho Coronado using the fast travel terminals.
  • The cat food is located in the warehouse that you also visit during the side mission “I fought the law” in search of the club “Red Queen’s Race”. Enter the main building.
  • Go up the stairs on the right and then straight through the door and through the control room.
  • In the next room you will find the cat food on the table.


Cat food in Pacifica

  • Travel to the quick travel point “Grand Imperial Mall” and head towards the Ferris Wheel from here.
  • You should get to the loading area as quickly as possible. Look for loading zone 5 here, it’s at the very back on the left.
  • The cat food is on the floor in front of the garage door.


Step 3: Feed Nibbles

Now return to V’s home building and fill the food bowl. Now it’s best to go to sleep in V’s flat, because it will take a while before Nibbles shows up.


Step 4: Pet Nibbles and bring them to V’s apartment

Once you have finished your nap, return to the food bowl. Nibbles should already be eating his food there, while Johnny Silverhand is commenting excitedly on what is happening. Now you can interact with the naked cat and give it a hug. Then the scene changes and you are greeted by Nibbles in your own flat.


Nibbles – your secret follower?

If you feel like you’ve run into Nibbles over and over again, don’t be mistaken: In the course of the story of Cyberpunk 2077, you will encounter a Sphynx several times, which could actually be Nibbles each time.