Cyberpunk 2077: Huge patch 1.05 now also available on PC

Patch 1.05 for Cyberpunk fix bug
Patch 1.05 for Cyberpunk is available. Among other things, it fixes a bug that made Jackie disappear.

Update 1.05 for Cyberpunk 2077 has been released with numerous improvements, also for the PC version. We have the patch notes and explain what’s inside.

Update from December 19, 2020 at 23:57

Patch 1.05 for Cyberpunk 2077 is now available for download on PC.

The update contains 9.0 GB on GOG and temporarily requires 45 GB on your hard drive. After the update process, the unused space will be freed up again. On Steam, the download size is only 1.7 GB.

Check out the original post below for the most important changes in Update 1.05.


Here you can decide which life path is right for you:


What’s in Patch 1.05

  • Many quest bugs are fixed – In order not to spoil anything, we’ll only mention the examples from the prologue here: Jackie, for example, no longer disappears during the missions “The Handover” or The Coup and Dum Dum no longer follows V everywhere after “The Handover”.
  • In addition, calls and messages from characters at various points in the plot are no longer incorrectly blocked, fast travel before certain quest points no longer prevents progress, and some side characters call much less insistently if you initially decline their orders. So if you’re stuck somewhere, chances are good that you can now move on.
  • Graphics and UI improvements: Apparently, for example, the male V’s fly mishap in the inventory screen has been fixed. Also, fewer NPCs in NCPD missions walk around in rigid T-pose, and you can no longer get stuck in third-person perspective without a head after braindances. If you get out of a car and open the inventory menu immediately afterwards, it no longer closes immediately.
  • Performance: The update brings various stability improvements and should also further curb crashes.
  • Console improvements: On PS4 and Xbox One, the image sharpness has been optimized, among other things, and restarting the game multiple times no longer resets its own settings. In addition, the appearance of numerous vehicles has been corrected.


Special improvements for the PC version

  • More performance for AMD: In cooperation with AMD, the use of 4- and 6-core AMD Ryzen processors has been optimized, performance should improve here.
  • The debug console has been removed, as some options could lead to crashes and broken quests. The modding community should still be supported, though. We have even already tested the first mods for you.
  • Raytracing reflections should no longer appear too glaring compared to the environment.
  • The Steam overlay no longer crashes when quitting the game.

If you want to get more out of Cyberpunk 2077, the tuning tips from our hardware experts will help:


For the time being, there won’t be any new patches over Christmas. According to the roadmap from developer CD Projekt Red, there will be more major updates in January and February that will further optimize the PC and console versions. The version for the standard PS4 and Xbox One versions is in such a bad state that the GamePro colleagues devalued it by 20 points and issued a purchase warning.

It remains to be seen whether patch 1.05 will provide initial relief. Sony has even removed Cyberpunk 2077 from the store and accepts refunds. Steam and Microsoft also accept many refund requests even after a longer playtime.