Cyberpunk 2077 is now touring the world to bring you the Phantom Liberty addon


CD Projekt Red has announced a tour in June 2023 to reveal more about the upcoming major story expansion for the role-playing game.

Musicians going on tour to promote their latest album is as normal as the bone cutter at the ripperdoc. But have you heard of a world tour for a role-playing game DLC before? Neither have we. Although Johnny Silverhand would probably be the perfect frontman for that.

CD Projekt Red wants to go on the big promotional offensive in June 2023 and introduce you to the first (and only announced) story addon for Cyberpunk 2077 . What is known so far?

The Phantom Liberty Tour

No word yet from the developer studio on what exactly will be featured on the tour or how fans can participate. We also don’t yet know if it will be the same event at different locations each time or if a different piece of the Phantom Liberty curtain will be lifted each time.

I’m sure there will be new trailers and gameplay to see, maybe even a playable demo? At least that’s what one developer seems to be hinting at on Twittefor . Until CD Projekt Red reveals more, this remains mere speculation – but it can’t be long before they explain the details.

What is at least already fixed are the tour stops that will be headed for from June 2023:

  • Warsaw (Poland)
  • Cologne (Germany)
  • Tokyo (Japan)
  • Beijing (China)
  • Seoul (Korea)
  • São Paulo (Brazil)
  • London (United Kingdom)

The reason why the tour is not making a stop in the USA is probably because Phantom Liberty is already taking part in the Summer Game Fest on 8 June. This time, the event will also include a live show in Los Angeles.
According to the developers, they want to make sure that your enthusiasm does not fizzle out with the tour – so it is a deliberate action to fuel the hype around Phantom Liberty. After all, nothing major has happened with Cyberpunk 2077 since patch 1.6 in September 2022, the player numbers on Steam have dropped significantly again after a brief upswing due to the Edgerunners series.

What do you think about the idea of a worldwide gaming tour? Would you go to Cologne to watch Phantom Liberty live and in neon colour?