Cyberpunk 2077: Patch 1.6 fulfils long-awaited fan wish – all info on the Edgerunners update

Cyberpunk 2077 Patch 1.6

Patch 1.6 is here and brings new content and improvements to the role-playing game. The highlights and all patch notes at a glance.

It’s time again to wipe the digital dust off Cyberpunk 2077, strap on your Mantis Blades and return to Night City: Because the new Edgerunners Update 1.6 is here! It’s not quite as extensive as the huge patch 1.5 from February, but it also brings numerous improvements, some exciting new content – and finally the long-awaited Transmog system.

After the significant changes of patch 1.5, we took another look at Cyberpunk 2077 under our test magnifying glass. How the role-playing game fared over a year after release!

By the way, here you can see the announcement trailer for the new update:

Cyberpunk 2077 reveals its first story DLC: Phantom Liberty brings back Keanu Reeves

Phantom Liberty will be the first story DLC for Cyberpunk 2077 and brings back Keanu Reeves as Johnny Silverhand. We provide you with all the info on the announcement of the addon.

CD Projekt Red has finally revealed its first story DLC for Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty. The addon is set to release in 2023 and will bring back Keanu Reeves in the role of Johnny Silverhand. In a new area of the game world of Night City, we will get to know previously unknown characters. We summarise the most important information for you.

Phantom Liberty: All info on the big story DLC

The story: There are not yet many details about the plot of Phantom Liberty. What is certain is that we will explore a reworked and expanded area of Night City in the role of V and get to know new characters in the process. Also, Keanu Reeves returns for the DLC as Johnny Silverhand!

This means that Phantom Liberty must take place during the main storyline of Cyberpunk 2077 and is not a prequel or sequel. Apparently, V is working for the US government in the course of Phantom Liberty – which Johnny himself is not too keen on.

You can get a first impression of Phantom Liberty in the teaser trailer for the addon, which CD Projekt Red recently released:

Content: It also remains to be seen what new content Phantom Liberty will offer in the form of weapons, clothes, cars, flats, pets and so on in addition to its questline. Since CD Projekt Red is taking the expansions for The Witcher 3 as a model – i.e. Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine – fans probably don’t have to worry about this.

The Release: Phantom Liberty is scheduled for release in 2023 – but there is no concrete release date at the moment. We will of course keep you updated as soon as CD Projekt Red narrows down the release date further.

The Platforms: The story DLC will be released for PC, Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. Phantom Liberty will not be available on older consoles – i.e. the PS4 and Xbox One. Not exactly surprising, since patch 1.6 is the last major update for this generation.

The price:  CD Projekt Red has also not yet commented on the price of Phantom Liberty. However, it is obvious that the story DLC, in contrast to the smaller updates and free expansions, will have to be paid for. If only because of the fact that a Season Pass was once planned for Cyberpunk 2077

Patch 1.6: Release and Download Size

  • Release: Update 1.6 is now available on all platforms
  • Download size: Approximately 12 GB on PC and Playstation 5

The most important new features of Patch 1.6

  • Transmog: Finally, CD Projekt Red fulfils a long-awaited fan wish and adds a transmog system to the role-playing game. The new wardrobe allows us to customise V’s outfits without changing the armour values. We can create up to six such outfits in V’s flat or safehouses and put them on and off via our inventory.
  • 11 new weapons: Patch 1.6 brings us new additions to our arsenal, such as a chainsaw and a power shotgun.
    • 6 new firearms
      Kappa (Smart Pistol)
      Senkoh LX (Tech Machine Pistol)
      Hypercritical (Iconic precision rifle, available via the order: concrete cage)
      VST-37 (Power shotgun)
      MA70 HB (Power machine gun (light))
      Kyubi (Power assault rifle)
    • 5 new close combat weapons
      Neurotoxin knife (+ iconic Blue Fang variant)
      Punknife (+ iconic variant Headhunter)
      Claw (Axe)
      Razor (machete)
      Cut-O-Matic (chainsaw)
  • New missions: The fixers of Night City have three new missions up their sleeves for us. Whether and for whom the new missions are worthwhile, you will find out tomorrow on GlobalESportNews!
    • Concrete cage
      Job type: SOS mercenaries wanted
      Location: Watson, Kabuki
      Fixer: Regina
    • Desperation Act
      Job type: Kleptomania
      Location: Santo Domingo, Arroyo
      Fixer: El Capitán
    • Changover
      Job type: Return action
      Location: Santo Domingo, Arroyo
      Fixer: Rogue
  • Easter Eggs to Edgerunners: In Night City we can now search for hidden secrets to the upcoming Netflix anime Edgerunners . Among them are new equipment or features in the photo mode. Even beyond Edgerunners, more exciting secrets can now be found in the cyberpunk metropolis.
  • Beauty procedures at the Ripperdoc: After patch 1.5 finally made it possible to change the appearance of V at the beginning of the year, with patch 1.6 you can not only customise your avatar in the flat, but also at the Ripperdocs in Night City. On top of that, there are also new hairstyles.
  • Cross-Platform Saving: Your game progress is now automatically uploaded to the cloud and you can continue playing on other platforms where you left off before.

Official patch notes for 1.6 at a glance

Here you can find the German patch notes for 1.6:


  • Dresser: The Dresser allows you to customise the look of your outfit without changing the armour stats. You can create up to 6 outfits from the clothes you own in the Wardrobe of Vs Apartments and Safehouses. You can then switch between these outfits in your inventory.
  • 3 new orders: Fixers have 3 new orders for you.
    • Concrete Cage – Job type: SOS Mercenaries wanted; Location: Watson, Kabuki; Fixer: Regina
    • Desperate act – Job type: Kleptomania; Location: Santo Domingo, Arroyo; Fixer: El Capitán
    • Changover – Job Type: Retrieval; Location: Santo Domingo, Arroyo; Fixer Rogue
  • 6 new firearms
    • Kappa (smart pistol)
    • Senkoh LX (Tech Machine Pistol)
    • Hypercritical (Iconic precision rifle, available via the order: concrete cage)
    • VST-37 (Power Shotgun)
    • MA70 HB (Power Machine Gun (Light))
    • Kyubi (Power Assault Rifle)
  • 5 new melee weapons
    • Neurotoxin knife (+ iconic Blue Fang variant)
    • Punknife (+ iconic variant Headhunter)
    • Claw (Axe)
    • Razor (Machete)
    • Cut-O-Matic (Chainsaw)

Cross-Platform Progress

Cross-platform progress has been implemented in the game. Your latest saves are automatically uploaded to the cloud so you can easily continue playing on other platforms. Cross-platform saves include the latest save from each category (quicksave, autosave, manual, etc.). This feature becomes available after you log in with your account (in the main menu or in the “Load Game” menu in the game). Cross-platform progress may only be available on a limited basis for console versions where regional restrictions apply.

Content on Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

In Night City, you can now discover some new secrets inspired by the anime series Cyberpunk: Edgerunners, including new equipment and new features in Photo Mode.

Arcade Game: Roach Race

You can now play a new mini-game at Night City’s arcade machines (including the machines at Vs Apartments in Northside, Japantown and The Glen). If you make it to the top of the leaderboard, you’ll receive special prizes like cash and items! If you’re having fun with roach racing in Cyberpunk 2077, try out the mobile version on <☻ and <☻. But remember that you have separate high scores in the game and in the mobile version.

Nibbles in photo mode

You can now take pictures of Nibbles in photo mode! To do so, select Nibbles in the “Character” section of the “Pose” tab in photo mode. Note: This option is only available after Nibbles has moved into V’s flat.


  • The inverted camera axis is now also applied in photo mode.
  • The degree of camera rotation in photo mode has been changed from 60/-60 to 90/-90, so vertical shots are now possible.
  • Vs body and face can now be adjusted in Ripperdoc clinics.
  • V no longer fidgets constantly during character creation.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented drones from picking up loot.
  • Fixed a bug where loot could not be picked up if it was fully or partially covered by foliage.
  • Fixed the reaction of NPCs when V bumps into them.
  • Fixed a bug where scared NPCs would stand idly or crouch instead of showing the intended “hands up” animation.
  • When NPCs are knocked off balance or down while shooting, they will now continue to shoot aimlessly.
  • More vehicles have been adapted to the new “Burn Out” mode from patch 1.5 and the tuning of many other cars has been refined.
  • A new all-wheel drive variant of the Thorton Colby called CST40 has been added.
  • Fixed a bug where cars would go backwards when braking at low speed.
  • Fixed a bug where disconnecting from an access point just before starting the hacking minigame followed by completing the minigame would cause the access point to remain active and you could reconnect to it.
  • Fixed a bug where the biomonitor would not restore health under certain circumstances.
  • Fixed a bug where the player’s health would drop extremely quickly due to the burn effect if the NPC responsible was using the Sandevistan Sprint.
  • The selling price of the “Target Analysis” mod has been lowered and the number of components required for crafting has been changed.


  • The values of the iconic knife “Stinger” have been changed. Attacks against poisoned enemies now have a 100% chance of causing bleeding. Attacks against bleeding enemies now have a 100% chance of causing poisoning.
  • “Weapons from the “Long Blade” category have been reordered into different categories:
    • The kitchen knife now belongs to the “Knife” category.
    • The tomahawk has been re-sorted from blunt weapons to bladed weapons and together with the new axe “Claw” now forms the new category “Axes”.
    • The Machete and Kukri are now in the new category “Machete” along with the new Machete “Razor”.”
  • The standard butcher’s cleaver has been replaced with an iconic version. If the player has a butcher’s cleaver in their possession, it is replaced with a knife. If the player has a Butcher’s Hatchet schematic in their possession, they will receive a Knife schematic in random rarity.
  • Sniper rifles have been balanced. Sniper Rifles should now only be able to kill enemies with one shot if the player invests in using this type of weapon. The damage of the “Overwatch” sniper rifle has been reduced. The “Nekomata” sniper rifle is now easier to use when charging.
  • The price of the “Slaught-O-Matic” power pistol, which can be purchased in vending machines, has been reduced.
  • “Sir John Phallustiff” now has an iconic effect: it does more damage when V hits enemies in the face with it. There is also some chance of stunning enemies with heavy attacks. Controllers now vibrate continuously while holding a weapon.
  • The sniper rifle “O’Five” now has a new iconic effect. This provides larger explosions that can set the target on fire. The more enemies on fire, the greater buffs the player receives to their critical hit chance and reload speed. It also has a unique scope that can only be equipped with constitution 20.
  • The Divided We Stand assault rifle now has a new iconic effect. Bullets now have a greater chance of missing the target, with a chance of exploding into clouds of poison. These poison clouds will poison all nearby enemies.
  • The “Yinglong” submachine gun has a new iconic effect. The chance to cause EMP explosions has been significantly increased. The magazine size has been increased so you can cause even more chaos and destruction with EMP explosions.
  • The scope slot has been removed from tech precision rifles (M-179 Achilles and Widow Maker). If the player owns such a rifle and a scope was attached to it, it will be removed and placed in the inventory.
  • Different types of knives now take different amounts of time to return to V’s hand – the exact time is indicated in the tooltip.
  • Fixed a bug where Skippy was causing extremely low SPS in saves made on version 1.3 and 1.31.
  • Fixed a bug where you could continue to buy/make ammo even though you had already reached the cap, wasting money/components.
  • Fixed a bug where mantis blades with damage mods would produce blinding lights when used.
  • Speedy melee attacks now no longer apply the status effects of the currently equipped and drawn weapon.


  • New benefits for using poisons have been added: “Corrosive Poison” and “Critical Antidote” (in the Ninjutsu Skill Tree), replacing “Accelerate the Inevitable” and “Neurotoxin” perks.
  • Fixed a bug where the “Whisper of Creak” perk did not work on the JKE-X2 Kenshin and the DR-12 Quasar.
  • The “Long Shot” perk has been rebalanced. The player now only receives a damage bonus over it up to a certain maximum distance.
  • Fixed a bug where crafting an item with a component that has a quest marker would not remove that component from inventory if the player has the “Ex Nihilo” perk.


  • More new secrets have been added to Night City for players to discover. Due to technical limitations, this change is not available on older generation consoles.
  • Various minor bug fixes for interactions in Vs Apartments and Safehouses.
  • V now sleeps in bed for as long as the player specifies.
  • Automatic Love – Fixed a bug where Lizzie’s was closed during opening hours.
  • Dream On – It is now easier to climb onto the roof from the secret control room via the ventilation shafts.
  • Epistrophy: The Glen, Epistrophy: Badlands – Quests will now fail as intended if the player destroys Delamain.
  • I’ll Fly Away – Scorpion’s car no longer slides when driving off the ramp.
  • Tapeworm – Fixed a bug where the cough animation would play late, causing graphics issues.
  • The Ballad of Buck Ravers – Karim’s samurai merch is available again at Cherry Blossom Market at any time after completing the quest.
  • The Coup – Fixed a bug where taking out enemies with Quickhacks could cause the optional objective “Wait for an opportunity to take out the guards.” remained active until the end of the quest.
  • The Hunt – Fixed a bug where the game would permanently fail to save after the Braindance sequence.
  • The Handover – Fixed a bug where walking away in the middle of a quest would interrupt all battle music.

Open World

  • Order: Press Freedom – Fixed a bug where further quests from Regina were blocked if Max died during the order.
  • Order: Warmer … Hot … – Fixed a bug where enemies would spawn before the mission started and the player could no longer use the coolant for 8ug8ear after killing the enemies.
  • Order: Warmer … Hot … – Wakako’s car doesn’t drive away slowly now and then vanish into thin air.
  • Order: Hot – Fixed a bug where you could kill Rebecca before starting the order, blocking progress.
  • Assignment: Devil’s Circuit – Fixed a bug where you could talk to some NPCs in the funeral home even though they were dead.
  • Task: Dove with Olive Branch – Fixed a bug where the quest would reactivate with the objective “Talk to the man in the boot.” after the car with Alex Pushkin in it exploded.
  • Quest: Find it, keep it – Fixed NPC reactions to a fight in Kashuu Hanten.
  • Order: Trevor’s Last Ride – Fixed a bug where Trevor’s corpse was not spawning in the freezer.
  • Fixed a bug where “Psalm 11:6” would sometimes not drop on suspicion of organised crime in Northside.
  • The Polycarbonate Techie Armour with Nano Fabric (upper body (outer layer) of the Techie Set) can now be found as loot in the world.
  • Lightweight hardened rubber reporter shoes (shoes from the reporter set) can now be found as loot in the world.
  • The matching of certain radio messages to different orders has been adjusted. As a result, more radio messages should now be heard in the game.

User interface

  • With the new item preview, players can now see what V will look like in an item before purchasing.
  • In the “Sound” category in the subtitles, there is now an option to turn radio subtitles on and off. By default they are switched off.
  • Items in stock now show their value in the tooltip as intended.
  • Some options and categories in the game settings have been reorganised.
  • Fixed a bug where memory levels and data overlapped in the “Load” menu for languages that use two bytes per character (Korean, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Traditional Chinese).
  • Fixed a bug where the number of available equipment parts for different slots was not updated after equipment disassembly.
  • Improved performance on the “Inventory” and “Vendor” screens.
  • Fixed a bug where a dark square could get stuck on the screen.
  • Miscellaneous minor adjustments and UI improvements to character creation, crafting and message menus, pop-ups and the quest tracker.
  • Bonus content can now be activated via the “Bonus content” menu.
  • Fixed a bug where the number of available attribute points was displayed incorrectly on the screen after a level up.


  • Neon rims of motorbikes can now have different colours.
  • New hairstyles are available during character creation.
  • Fixed certain bugs that caused vehicles to not spawn correctly on the road surface.
  • Fixed a bug where cars would clip into each other in traffic when using slow HDD mode.
  • Fixed a bug where indestructible parts would float through the air after cars were destroyed.
  • Improvements to dynamic resolution scaling.
  • Fixed a bug where the last shot from a firearm had no recoil animation.
  • Total Immortal – The grass on the way to Yorinobu’s office no longer clips through the ground.


  • Sound effects have been added for reloading a weapon while carrying an NPC.
  • Improved sound effects for throwing knives.
  • Stadium Love – 6th Street’s party music is now louder.
  • I Fought the Law – Fixed a bug where the fight music would continue to play endlessly if you started a fight with the thugs in the market and then left the area without defeating them.


  • The presets for the graphics now allow even higher quality.
  • Steam Deck] Fixed a bug where the corresponding preset was using the Ultra settings instead of the intended settings.
  • Steam Deck] Fixed a bug where the game would stop responding after trying to change the key mapping.


On Consoles

  • Xbox Series S] A new performance mode has been added that can be activated under Settings ☻ Video ☻ Graphics Mode. It targets 60 FPS in 900p with dynamic resolution scaling (between 800p and 1080p).
  • Portuguese (Brazil) is now available on disc copies of the game in Portugal (PlayStation codes: CUSA-16579 and CUSA-25194). More details on support for different language editions can be found here: Xbox, PlayStation.
  • Switching between first-person and third-person perspective no longer causes a delay.
  • Fixed an issue with lag after input in ray tracing mode on next gen consoles.


  • The missing button assignments for “Walk on/off” and “Put away weapon” have been added.


  • Support for Razer Chroma has been added.
  • Fixed temporary drops in FPS when opening map or inventory on PC and Stadia.
  • Miscellaneous adjustments and improvements to Arabic localisation.

REDmod modding tools

The following changes only apply to the PC version of the game and only after installing REDmod.

  • Mod User
    • Support added for the new mods folder. New REDmod compatible mods should be placed in the \Cyberpunk 2077\mods folder. The game still supports loading old mods from the archive folder, but please note that they will not appear in the REDmod menu. New REDmod compatible mods should be added via the new mods folder to ensure the best gaming experience.
    • The -modded parameter for the command line allows you to play with mods. This parameter also allows you to turn mods on and off via REDlauncher and GOG Galaxy.Telemetry functionality is now also used for data on mods.
  • Mod creator
    • Modified tweakdb.bin and .redscripts files can now be loaded.
    • mods.json keywords for a user’s installed mods can now be loaded.
    • A separate audio thread for audio modding has been added.
    • Fixed a few issues with TweakDB memory allocation.