Cyberpunk 2077: Player unlocks version 0 and shows cut content


An old version of the game can be unlocked on physical media. In it s a lot of removed content, for example a 3D map and street traders, but also many bugs.

The cut content of Cyberpunk 2077 still keeps players busy seven months after release. Now there are exciting new finds that come from a “0. Version”. It’s pretty easy to unlock, as long as you own a physical copy of the game. We summarise what attentive sleuths have found in it.

First of all, there are many bugs in this outdated version, most of which have been fixed in the meantime. Phone calls, for example, are not animated, some perks do not even exist yet.

Since its release, Cyberpunk 2077 has made some technical progress: graphic errors and crashes should occur much less frequently after the latest patch 1.23 at the latest. In the meantime, the game has also returned to the Playstation Store.

What’s in the old Cyberpunk version?

What is it exactly anyway? We asked CDPR and found out that this is the first version of the game for the consoles, which was already several months old at the time of the final release on 10 December 2020. Therefore, quite a few things have changed – which in itself is not surprising. It is unlocked by deleting all update files and cutting the console’s internet connection so that the game does not automatically download a patch.

Content that does not appear in the final game

Some content was apparently removed from Cyberpunk 2077 just before release, but is playable if you reset the version. Youtuber Tyler McVicker shows what was still in the game back then:

Street markets and travelling traders: In Cyberpunk 2077, many traders are standing around at market stalls, but you can’t interact with them any further. In the old version, on the other hand, they showed you their goods and you could act like shopkeepers. In addition, there should probably be moving dealers, at least a now removed icon on the map indicates. Speaking of map.

3D map: The world map used to look like a mix of the two versions you’ll find in Cyberpunk 2077, the map with the icons and the freely viewable, three-dimensional map. In the past, the height of buildings was probably also included in the wayfinding, as can be seen in the video.

View objects: In the past, it was possible to view items in the dealer’s inventory from all sides, such as weapons. An inspection feature was featured in the official gameplay reveal in 2018, but didn’t make it into the finished game.

Weapon types and mods: In addition, a distinction was previously made between handguns and heavy pistols, for which there were apparently other attachments and silencers. Luckily, even without that, we have a huge selection of modifiable creaks and melee brawlers in the finished game. In the guide we tell you how to get the best:

All found changes are currently being entered into a Google Doc All found changes are currently being entered into a Google Doc for everyone to see.

We asked CDPR what exactly was behind the changes – whether certain features were removed for performance reasons, for example. And whether they might end up back in the game with a future patch or DLC – after all, there is still a lot of content to be added. If we get any more info, we’ll share it with you, of course!

Only recently, the developers published the most frequently reported bugs. We assume that at least some of them will be fixed in the next big update. Several free DLCs, which do not yet have a release date, are supposed to bring game changes.