Cyberpunk 2077: stealth improves with a mod


Is Cyberpunk 2077’s gameplay too easy for you and you want to sneak around like Sam Fisher? Two mods promise to do just that. We tested them for you.

After the release of Cyberpunk 2077, the modding community is supporting the further development of the role-playing game. In addition to visual improvements, some modders are also changing the game mechanics.

One of them is Manckia: on Nexusmods, he has published seven mods for Cyberpunk. We took a closer look at two of them and tested them. The mods “Harder Gameplay” and “Sneak” promise to make the game more difficult and realistic. We tested the effectiveness of both for you.

Main mission “Gimme Danger” as a starting point

With Takemura, we break into the Arasaka Industrial Park during the main mission. The hooligans directly take the main entrance and shoot the exit. However, it is possible to climb the fence like Sam Fisher in Splinter Cell, take cover behind the walls and silently eliminate the enemies.

Without mods, this can be a challenge, but with practice, you’ll quickly find easy ways to outsmart the AI. Because sneaking around in Cyberpunk follows a simple pattern: if V is seen by an enemy, just take flight, hide briefly and the situation relaxes. The Sneak mod changes these mechanics, because the enemies :

– They don’t spot you as quickly
– detect you more easily when you have caught their attention
– can now see you through transparent surfaces and glass
– have a harder time seeing you when you sneak up on them.
– Cameras and drones continue to behave as before

The goal of this mod is to bring the right balance to stealth practice. In particular, the attention span of enemies now resembles that of a stalking predator rather than a goldfish. In our tests, this often worked well. Enemies discover us later, but remain more vigilant afterwards.

Who likes to suffer, uses the “Harder Gameplay” mod: Those for whom Cyberpunk is still too easy even on the highest difficulty level, will be faced with a real challenge with Harder Gameplay. The mod changes the behavior of weapons and skill bonuses. You’ll have less stamina, less melee damage and less critical hit chance. To top it off, critical damage has been reduced as well. Harder Gameplay also changes the legendary weapons in Cyberpunk.

Modder Mancika repeatedly reminds you to save your saves and make a backup. You could lose your saves if you don’t.

How to install the mods

You can download the mods here at :

– Harder Gameplay Download
– Sneak Download

After downloading the mods from Nexus, unzip them and add their contents to the Cyberpunk installation directory:

  • /archive/pc/mods

If you don’t have the “patch” folder, create it and place the two .archive files there. Be sure to make a backup of your backup file before you do this. You can find them under :

  • C:\Users\YOURUSERNAME\Saved Games\CD Projekt Red\Cyberpunk 2077

Then you can launch the game with the mods and enjoy the heavy version of Cyberpunk.