Cyberpunk 2077: The weapon case of a legendary screen killer is hidden in Dogtown


In the new area of Phantom Liberty you can find a funny Easter Egg. We’ll tell you the exact location.

John Wick once went out to avenge his murdered dog. Well, at least if you break down the quite complex motive of the cult character to the minimum. Actually, there’s more to it than that. The fact is: John Wick has revitalized action cinema and can look forward to millions of fans worldwide.

This is not only due to the brute and often sensationally choreographed action sequences, but also to proven breathtaking Keanu Reeves. The actor is more popular than the Lucky Bears and Elmo combined, and is also ubiquitous in Cyberpunk 2077 thanks to his embodiment of Johnny Silverhand.

Time for an Easter Egg. CD Projekt Red apparently thought so too, because a rather obvious homage is hiding in the addon Phantom Liberty s new Dogtown district.

You steal this gun case at your own risk

What exactly is it about? Currently, a screenshot is making the rounds in the Cyberpunk 2077 community. On it you can see a weapons case. So far, nothing unusual, after all, pretty much everything and everyone is armed, right down to the streetlights in Night City.

What makes this gun case really interesting is its lettering. Because on the lid is written in golden letters the name of the owner:

Found this John Wick gun case
byu/The_Ex-Presidents incyberpunkgame

Where can I find the John Wick gun case? At the gun dealer Sophia Dupont in the Dogtown stadium. Just look around the back area where it is hidden. When you find it, you may also enjoy a little joke from Johnny Silverhand.

Can I find a gun in it? Unfortunately, no. If you were hoping for a weapon also known from the John Wick flicks, you will be disappointed. The personalized weapon case is just a small homage without any gameplay value.

Have you already discovered John Wick’s weapon case on your own during your forays through Dogtown? Or have you just heard about its existence for the first time and are about to go and see it for yourself? What is your favorite Easter Egg in video games in general? We’re curious, feel free to tell us your favorites in the comments!