Cyberpunk 2077 Update 2.1: The German patch notes are here and bring more than just the subway


The surprise update 2.1 will be released on December 5. We have the German patch notes at a glance

Nobody expected this anymore: Cyberpunk 2077 is actually getting another update just a few months after the huge update 2.0, which turned the role-playing game on its head. And this time it has a very special surprise in store: the long-awaited NCART.

We’ve summarized the highlights of the update for you. You can find the patch notes on page 2 of this article. Update 2.1 will be released free of charge for everyone on December 5.

The highlights of Update 2.1

  • NCART: You can finally ride the subway in Night City. Five lines with a total of 19 stations are available as fast travel points and immersive panoramic rides.
  • Dates: You can now invite your romantic partners to small dates in your apartments and spend some time with them.
  • Portable radio: You can now listen to music on the go with the radio port. This makes the subway ride even more fun!
  • Races: Once you have completed the quest “The Beast in Me”, you can now drive repeatable races in Night City and measure your skills against others.
  • Binoculars: Still not had enough of Night City? At certain vantage points, you can use binoculars to take an even closer look at the cityscape.
  • Accessibility: In a new options tab, you can set many new features to make the game more accessible. Here you can, for example, enlarge HUD elements or activate modes for color blindness.

The German patch notes for update 2.1

New features

  • V’s issue with his/her NCART City Pass has been fixed, so you can now travel on 5 lines between 19 metro stations in Night City – either as fast travel or in real time on the train so you can look out the window and enjoy the view.
  • You can now invite V’s partner to any of your apartments to spend time together. These dates can be repeated indefinitely after completing the romantic quests with the respective character.
  • With the Radioport feature, you can now listen to the radio while walking around Night City (or while on the NCART train). The Radioport is available while exploring and automatically switches to the car radio when you get on. It will turn off when music is playing as part of a quest. It is now also possible to adjust the volume directly in the radio window.
  • After completing The Beast in Me V can now participate in repeatable car races. Look out for the race flag symbol on the map. If you win a race, you will receive Eddies and a discount on the AUTOFIXER netpage. We’ve also improved the drivers’ AI so they’re more likely to keep up with you, and improved the mechanics in general for a more enjoyable racing experience.
  • Public binoculars have been placed at various vantage points to give you another way to enjoy the beauty of Night City.


  • You can find out more about the accessibility features in the game in this article.
  • An option for larger font on the user interface has been added.
  • You can now remove the time limit in the Breach Protocol minigame.
  • More customization options for the HUD have been added:
  • Larger HUD elements.
  • Remove HUD lens distortion (the curved effect on the HUD).
  • Remove visual HUD effects (the “ghosting” effect on the HUD).
  • Remove decorative HUD elements to improve readability.
  • A new “Accessibility” tab has been introduced where you can find the difficulty and subtitle settings as well as some of the control and UI options.
  • The “Weapon Switch to Arm Cyberware” option allows you to enable/disable the ability to switch to Arm Cyberware when switching between equipped weapons.
  • The “Up/Down” and “Left/Right” buttons on the user interface can now be reassigned for AZERTY and QWERTY keyboards.

Quests & Open World

  • V can now be pursued by gangs if he/she is very aggressive during certain missions and main quests.
  • Quests where a vehicle must be stolen and delivered can now lead to a chase and fight.
  • It is now possible to interact with some decorative vendors that spawn in kiosks. Note: Food stalls are not affected by this change.
  • It is now possible to sit at various bars in Night City and interact with the vendors.
  • Fixed a bug where some quests would not trigger once you approached the quest area.
  • Chippin’ In – Fixed a bug where Rogue V was constantly lagging behind.
  • Cyberpsycho Attack: The House on the Hill – Fixed a bug where Peter Greene’s corpse was still highlighted after scanning.
  • Every Grain of Sand – Fixed a bug where the vehicle that V was supposed to receive as a reward for completing all missions in the Badlands would not spawn.
  • Gas Gas Gas – Fixed a bug where the vehicle that V was supposed to receive as a reward for completing all missions in the city center did not spawn.
  • Quest: Pigeon with Olive Branch – Fixed a bug where you could not talk to Sergei Karasinsky because he did not spawn.
  • Killing in the Name – Fixed a bug where you could not get past the objective “Go to the source of the signal.” because the conversation with Johnny was not triggered.
  • Life During Wartime – Fixed a bug where Panam would not get on the motorcycle when you were supposed to follow her to the gas station.
  • Space Oddity – Fixed a bug where the quest would not trigger after updating the game to patch 2.01.
  • The Prophet’s Song – Fixed a bug where the quest would reappear on the map as “Undiscovered”.

For Phantom Liberty

  • Fixed a bug where some enemies in “Suspected Organized Crime” missions in Dogtown would not spawn, blocking progress.
  • Fixed a bug where no in-game time would pass after V watched the braindance of Lizzy Wizzy’s concert. The wait option must be used for this fix to take effect.
  • Fixed a bug where the achievements Arachnophobia and Escape from Dogtown were not unlocked even though all requirements were met.
  • The Relic Control achievement will no longer unlock after only one Relic perk has been learned. Note: This fix does not reset an achievement that has already been unlocked.
  • Long-exclusive iconic weapons can now be purchased in-game.
  • The iconic weapons Alabai, Laika, Taigan and Volkodav can now be purchased from the Black Market Vendor if they were not found in a parachute drop.
  • Addicted to Chaos – Fixed a bug where the quest was automatically completed even though it wasn’t finished yet.
  • Addicted to Chaos – Fixed a bug where the garage door would not open after entering the code.
  • Black Steel in the Hour of Chaos – Fixed a bug where Mr. Hands would not answer the holo when V called him.
  • From Her to Eternity – Fixed a bug where the metal pin could not be placed on the table in V’s apartment.
  • Get It Together – Fixed a bug where V could not enter the Heavy Hearts.
  • Hi Ho Silver Lining – Fixed a bug where V could not talk to Mr. Hands in Heavy Hearts because he would not spawn or you could not interact with him.
  • Lucretia My Reflection – Fixed a bug where the player could get stuck in a permanent holo-call with Songbird after stepping out of the abandoned apartment.
  • Lucretia My Reflection – Fixed a bug where Reed would not call after two days.
  • Somewhat Damaged – Fixed a bug where the player could get stuck in a crouching position, preventing the port from connecting to the core.
  • Somewhat Damaged – Fixed a bug where sprinting or jumping after riding the elevator was permanently impossible.
  • Things Done Changed – Fixed a bug where some players’ screens could go black after calling the nurse even after patch 2.02.


  • The boss fights with Yasha Ivanov, Boris Ribakov and Adam Smasher have been improved. Smasher can now activate his Sandevistan.
  • New cyberware has been added: Fairy-X and Cogito Lattice.

Feen-X: Skeleton Cyberware

Cyberware capacity costs: 16

Armor: 8/14/20/26/31

+250% memory recovery if you have less than 3/4/5/6/7 memory points available

Cogito Lattice: Integumentsystem-Cyberware

Cyberware capacity costs: 12

Armor: 18/27/36/45/54

+200%/210%/220%/230%/240% armor through this cyberware if you have less than 2/4/6/8/10 storage points available

  • The values of various cyberware implants have been rebalanced:

Adrenaline Triggers: Movement Speed bonus duration has been reduced.

All Berserk Implants (except Militech Berserk): Added bonus to damage reduction.

Axolotl: Cooldown reduction has been reduced.

Camillo Memory Manager: Cooldown time has been reduced.

Chrome Compressor: Cyberware capacity bonus increased, price reduced.

CompactBone Marrow: Armor reduced, endurance cost in melee increased.

Epimorph Skeleton: Armor reduced.

Ex-Disk: Quickhack upload speed bonus increased.

Leeroy ligament system: Armor has been increased.

Lynx Paws: 20% damage reduction for falling damage has been added.

Microgenerator: Shock damage has been reduced.

Militech “Apogee” Sandevistan: Reduced bonus to extended duration, reduced max duration, increased headshot damage, critical hit chance and critical damage.

Militech “Falcon” Sandevistan: Reduced bonus to extended duration, increased max duration, increased health bonus after neutralizing an enemy.

Nanoplates: Now receives a bonus from coolness instead of reflexes (bonus to critical hit chance).

Peripheral Reversal: Armor has been increased.

Memory redistributor: Restored max. memory points have been increased.

RAM upgrade: Memory regeneration has been increased.

Reinforced tendons: Armor has been reduced.

Personal EIS: Decay time has been reduced.

Shock-n-Awe: The attribute bonus now increases damage with tech weapons.

Universal Booster: Health item effects now stack.

  • The cyberware capacity costs of the following implants have been reduced: Memory Boost, Bioconductor, Kerenzikov Boost System, Rara Avis, Reflex Modulator, Defenzikov, Cell Adapter, Grip Guard, Axolotl, Microgenerator, Peripheral Reversal, Leeroy Ligament System, Camillo Memory Manager.
  • Some advantages have been rebalanced:

Spontaneous Destruction: -15% recoil has been changed to +12.5% critical hit chance at level 1.

Die! Die! Die!: -15 % recoil has been changed to +12.5 % critical hit chance at level 1. Added a bonus at level 2 where weapon handling improves when stamina decreases.

Precision: In addition to the existing bonus to stamina regeneration, a bonus to stamina cost has been added at level 3.

Relaxed Shot: -7% Stamina Cost has been replaced with +4% Armor Penetration.

The following weapons have been slightly adjusted:

Electric baton: The Alpha, Gamma and Beta electric batons now have slightly different values. They can hit multiple enemies at the same time. The base damage has been reduced by 7.5%

M2067 Defender, MA70 HB: The recoil behavior has been adjusted.

DR-12 Quasar: Damage increased by 8%, headshot damage multiplier increased from +150% to +175%.

HA-4 Grit: Damage increased by 10%, headshot damage multiplier reduced from +150% to +125%.

L-69 Zhuo: Damage increased by 6%.

DB-4 Palica: Damage increased by 9%.

Tech weapons that fire in full auto mode when fully charged (Senkoh LX, DR-12 Quasar, HA-4 Grit): Are now more stable and deal approximately +15% more damage when charge mode is active.

  • Crafted weapons can now have up to two mod slots. Note: This change does not affect weapons crafted before this patch.
  • Defeated enemies now drop mods more frequently. There is now a chance to find weapon mods in containers that previously only contained crafting components.
  • The availability of mods at weapon vendors has been increased; the “Pax” mod is now always available.
  • It is now possible to add tech weapon mods instead of power weapon mods to the HA-4 Grit as intended.
  • Category 4 and 5 weapon mods can now be found at weapon vendors (once the player’s category is high enough).
  • The upper limit of ammunition the player can carry in the inventory has been increased for all ammunition types.
  • Crafted iconic weapons are now displayed correctly in the inventory.
  • Cyberware Capacity Shards should now appear as loot as intended when players reach max level.
  • Fixed a bug where some category 5+ weapons and cyberware were being re-upgraded to category 5+ or a lower category.
  • Overclocking can now be activated while V is controlling cameras.
  • Kerenzikov now works with throwing weapons.
  • Fixed a bug where the achievement V like Vendetta was unlocked even though the player did not meet the requirements. Note: This fix does not reset an achievement that has already been unlocked.
  • Fixed a bug where the player did not receive the achievement Faster Than Death even though they met the requirements.
  • When playing with a controller, the required tilt of the stick to continue sprinting has been reduced.
  • The secondary values of cyberware that are changed via the “Chipware Connoisseur” perk are no longer randomized after saving or loading.
  • After V has reached level 60 in the skill Netrunning, the ability “Overclock” now shows all enemies within a radius of 10 m as intended, so that you can hack them through cover.
  • The quickhack “Synapse Burnout” has been adjusted. The max damage bonus has been reduced from +400% to +300% for categories 3-5. The max damage bonus has been reduced from +600% to +400% and the bonus per save point has been reduced from 12% to 10% for the iconic variant.
  • V’s movements are now smoother and more responsive to button inputs:
  • V can now sprint off immediately after firing without any delay.
  • Fixed a bug where jumping, falling, or other actions that do not interrupt sprinting with single button input would interrupt sprinting if the corresponding button was held down.
  • When V jumps while sprinting, he/she will now continue sprinting when landing, even if V was previously shooting in the air (but not when landing). This also works for aiming, scanning and using melee weapons.
  • Fixed several issues with the “Multitasking” perk: V could not sprint off while shooting; sprinting was interrupted by jumping, dodging/charging, or spent stamina; weapons quickly changed to and from sprinting position (closer to chest).
  • Fixed a bug with the “Ninjutsu” perk where crouching sprint could not be activated when using the permanent duck input.
  • When sliding with the “Ninjutsu” perk, V will now sprint crouched when the player clicks sprint or dodge/charge.
  • The “sprint area” on controller sticks is now slightly larger so that sprinting is no longer ended accidentally.
  • Fixed a bug where sprinting could not be toggled on and off when dodging/rushing.
  • Storm and slide! If you click duck while in a standing position while dodging/charging, V will either slide (only when charging forward) or duck.
    Depending on the camera setting,
  • dodging/charging is now performed in the correct direction and not along the direction in which V is sliding; however, it can no longer go backwards or sideways – in this case the sliding is interrupted.
  • The direction in which V slides can now be easily adjusted with directional inputs.
  • Sliding can now be performed more reliably in a diagonal sprint.
  • Sliding can now be interrupted as intended with a directional input to the rear.
  • Automatic jumping when storming no longer takes place when storming backwards or sideways. Normal jumping via the jump button is still possible in all directions.
  • Automatic climbing when storming no longer takes place if the directional input is not held down.
  • Automatic jumping and climbing while storming should now work more reliably.
  • Fixed a bug where shooting was blocked when falling after an air assault.
  • Dodge/Storm can now be used even if another directional input is pressed on the keyboard (this results in diagonal dodge/storm).
  • Fixed a bug where sprinting was interrupted when double tapping dodge/strike.
  • Fixed a bug where V would not slide as intended when the player was playing with the dynamic controller mapping on a controller.
  • After crafting an item with the active Chimera Core or the component with Cerberus’ decrypted behavior system, the required schematics will now disappear from the Crafting tab.
  • Players who completed all of Regina’s quests prior to Update 2.0 will have the NeoFiber cyberware they received as a reward replaced with Axolotl.
  • The values of Arm Cyberware are now always applied correctly, regardless of whether it is currently drawn or not.
  • Fixed a bug where V’s health never dropped below 25% due to BioDyne Berserk’s effect remaining permanently active. Note: This fix is not retroactive, so it does not affect cases where this bug occurred before version 2.1.

Vehicles & Traffic

  • The previously closed highway through Westbrook, Santo Domingo and Heywood is now open again.
  • V can now lean in different directions on the motorcycle. Use LShft/LCtrl on the keyboard or the left stick on a controller – up to lean forward and down to lean backwards. This only changes your center of gravity. Lean back and accelerate to ride on the rear wheel. Lean forward and pull the brake to ride on the front wheel. Shifting your center of gravity will affect the traction at either end of the bike. Lean slightly forward to oversteer in the corner and slightly backwards to understeer. In the air, you can lean forwards or backwards to perform flips and steer to turn.
  • There are 5 new bikes for sale on the AUTOFIXER netpage.
  • A new car has been added: the Porsche 911 Cabriolet. More details can be found on the AUTOFIXER-Netpage.
  • You can now mark vehicles as favorites in the “Call vehicle” menu.
  • Knives and axes can now be thrown while riding a motorcycle.
  • Improved melee animations when riding a motorcycle in third-person view.
  • When an NPC rider is attacked, his vehicle will now skid.


  • Improved sound effects in scenes in the main and side quests of the game.
  • Authoring and up-mixing of scenes in “Surround Sound” format.
  • Missing sound effects have been added.
  • Missing post-processing for voices has been added.
  • Improved the sound effects of firearms and fights.
  • The sound effects of vehicles have been improved.
  • Various sound bug fixes.
  • Panam no longer sounds like a holo-call when you talk to her in person about the events from Phantom Liberty.


  • Various improvements to lighting in the city.
  • Improved the graphic effect of highlighting in the Kiroshi scanner.
  • The appearance of the Blackwall in Transmission has been adapted to the appearance in Phantom Liberty.
  • Fixed a bug where V could have a cigarette permanently stuck to his hand.
  • The flame is now displayed on the exhaust of the Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X as intended.
  • The electroshock graphic effect of the microgenerator is now displayed even if Phantom Liberty is not installed.
  • Fixed several bugs where the animations were not displayed after installing Cyberware on Ripperdocs.

User interface

  • You can now mark weapons as favorite weapons, which means they can no longer be sold, dismantled or dropped.
  • The resolution scaling modes are now displayed differently in the graphics settings. An option to switch between DLSS Super Resolution, AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 2.1 and Intel Xe Super Sampling 1.2 has been added. Depending on your selection, you can also adjust other options, e.g. activate dynamic scaling of the resolution.
  • A tooltip has been added to skill progression explaining how to earn XP for each skill.
  • When the player attempts to attack or shoot someone in areas where combat is not possible, the message “Action blocked” will now appear on the HUD.


  • The “Raytracing: Overdrive” mode is no longer a preview and offers various image enhancements.
  • ReSTIR GI has been introduced – further improvements to lighting quality with pathtracing in “Raytracing: Overdrive” mode. This minimizes ghosting, especially in darker areas where it has no impact on performance.
  • DLSS Ray Reconstruction – now available in RT Ultra and other RT modes where RT mirroring is enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where the skin of V and NPCs could have a metallic sheen when ray tracing was enabled.
  • Fixed a bug where some characters’ hair would not cast a shadow when ray tracing was enabled.
  • Added support for DualSense™ controllers. If you have problems with the game freezing on Steam when the controller is connected after the game has already started, please make sure that PlayStation controller support is set to “Not enabled” instead of “Enabled” or “Enabled in games without support” in the Steam settings.
  • Support for Samsung HDR10+ GAMING for NVIDIA graphics cards has been added. To use this feature, your monitor must support the technology and “Game Mode” must be enabled. The switch for HDR10+ Gaming is located in the settings in the “Video” tab.

On consoles

  • Xbox] Fixed a bug where the message “Save failed – not enough space” was displayed when saving, even though the maximum save levels had not yet been reached.
  • Xbox] Added a new error message that appears when Phantom Liberty is installed on an unsupported storage device.


  • Fixed a bug where the game would crash when the player tried to reach the second sniper in Play It Safe&nbsp.
  • V can now interact with the radio in his/her apartment in Mega Building H10 as intended.
  • Fixed a bug where the zero zone was still present even though the “Inner Zero Zone” setting on the controller was set to 0.
  • More new secrets have been added that players can now discover in Night City.