Cyberpunk 2077: What’s next after patch 1.5? CDPR promises further updates

Cyberpunk 2077

After patch 1.5 and with new info on The Witcher 4, the work on Cyberpunk 2077 is not done yet. At least that’s what Quest Director Pawel Sasko from CD Projekt Red promises.

Don’t worry, Cyberpunk 2077 will continue to receive updates and new content in the future. After patch 1.5 and most recently 1.52 were released for the role-playing game, it has been quiet for the time being regarding the future of Cyberpunk 2077. Instead, there was new information about The Witcher 4 and the accompanying change to the Unreal Engine 5.

But now Quest Director Pawel Sasko promises that work on Cyberpunk 2077 is not yet complete. We break down for ech what exactly Sasko reveals and what you can expect in the foreseeable future. We explain what has improved in Cyberpunk 2077 with patch 1.5 and which new content we particularly like in our Cyberpunk 2077 post-test:

Work is not yet done

During a (livestream on Twitch), Pawel Sasko lets his viewers know that CD Projekt Red has definitely not left Night City behind. The Quest Director doesn’t get too specific, but he does share a few details.

Patch 1.52 was not the last: After Update 1.5 and the following Patch 1.52, it was quiet again around Cyberpunk 2077. Pawel Sasko confirms, however, that work on the role-playing game is continuing:

We are still improving the game because we are all aware of the fact that there is still work to be done. We are very happy that 1.5 has been so well received by you and that motivates us even more for our work.

Quests could be reworked: Pawel Sasko also reveals that he is currently working on missions for the game on a daily basis. What exactly that means is not entirely clear. It is quite possible that already existing quests will be tackled again and optimised or that it will be completely new content. Because the planned expansions also come up.

Expansion(s) still in the works: Sasko assures his viewers that DLCs are definitely being worked on for Cyberpunk 2077. It is noteworthy here that Pawel is talking about expansions and not just one – in March 2022 there was only talk of one addon and not several

Whether this means we’ll get several big updates for Cyberpunk 2077 in the style of Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine is, of course, impossible to say. The Quest Director could of course be hinting at a big expansion and several mini-DLCs. In this regard, it’s best to wait until CD Projekt Red shares concrete information with us.


This is what the future of Cyberpunk 2077 looks like

The current roadmap: After the NextGen release as well as patch 1.5 and 1.52, Cyberpunk 2077 should receive at least one major expansion and several free DLCs. At least this is still promised by the (official roadmap), which was published at the end of 2021. However, there are no details or a concrete date for this.

Hope for Transmog: Cyberpunk 2077 could, however, receive a Transmog system in the future that has been hotly anticipated by fans. Hints of this have already been found in the game itself. You can read everything we currently know about it in our report on the topic:

And then there is the multiplayer for Cyberpunk 2077. The planned multiplayer mode for the role-playing game has become suspiciously quiet in the meantime. Whether it is still in development and when it could come is currently unknown.

What is CD PR still working on?

The next Witcher role-playing game: CD Projekt Red confirmed that they are currently working on the next part of the Witcher series. The project currently has the working title The Witcher: A New Saga begins, but it remains to be seen whether it will eventually become The Witcher 4.

For the role-playing game, for which many are hoping for Ciri in the leading role, the development studio is switching from the in-house REDengine to the Unreal Engine 5. The studio only recently explained exactly why. More background on the next Witcher RPG and why the reveal wasn’t actually meant for us:

What are your hopes and expectations for the future of Cyberpunk 2077? What do you think the first major expansion or update for the role-playing game needs to deliver? Let us know in the comments