How to delay the end of Cyberpunk 2077 as long as possible


Can the end of Cyberpunk 2077 be delayed? Can you complete side quests later? And what affects the different endings?

Players are so different! Some want to get through it as quickly as possible and see the end, while others prefer to turn over every stone in the game world. The good news: Cyberpunk 2077 allows both play styles.

Even if the game makes you believe otherwise. Because already in the first hours, the main story makes it unmistakably clear to you that your life is in danger and your time is running out: Every moment counts, every action needs to be well thought out, every day is possibly the last.

It’s quite understandable, then, if your reaction is to follow the main story in the game. Fix the problem, get rid of the pressure, subdue the danger before you calmly engage in the rest of the game world and side missions. But is that even necessary? We explain it to you in the mini-guide to the end of Cyberpunk 2077.

You don’t have to rush

In fact, after 20 hours of play or less, you can unlock the final story mission: Nocturne OP55N1. Before you start this final quest, you’ll get a big warning from the game:

Cyberpunk 2077 extend the final
Your relationship with Johnny also has an impact on the game’s finale.

From here on there is no return, this is the finale. Tasks and achievements that you haven’t done yet can’t be tackled until you complete the end. Reason enough to maybe take a step back before tackling this part of the game.

Basically, nothing forces you to complete the story as quickly as possible. There is no hidden timer that makes V suddenly drop dead or otherwise punish you for taking your time with the main story. Play the ending as early or as late as you like!

Can I do side missions later?

Fixer missions, map activities, and anything not related to the main story can be tackled as soon as the task becomes available or postponed for as long as you like. Even beyond the end of a chapter. Keep in mind, however, that you can “level out” of quests.

This means that a task that is displayed in red or yellow in the quest log when you receive it will change to green and finally to gray after a few level increases. The longer you leave a quest after receiving it, the easier it becomes as your character level increases.

Guide Cyberpunk 2077
The Embers is the end of the story. If you meet an important character here, the last mission of the story will start.

You don’t have to drag it out

At the same time, you don’t have to wait until you’re absolutely done with the final mission if you don’t want to. If you want to end early or just see what ending you’ve made possible via your current progress, there’s also nothing wrong with starting the final main quest early.

Regardless of which of Cyberpunk 2077’s different endings you get to see, you’ll automatically have the option to load your last savegame immediately before starting the final mission and continue playing normally from there.

What are the rewards for playing through?

A “New Game Plus” like in Witcher 3, where you keep your equipment and experience and restart against stronger opponents, is currently not available in Cyberpunk 2077. However, you will receive in-game rewards and goodies like especially powerful cyberware for reaching the endings.

How do I influence the ending?

There are several factors that determine which of the different endings you get to see. Have you gotten to know Johnny better in the course of the game and possibly even become friends with him, or do you stay away from him at most?

Have you found other allies in Night City who could support you in your last great adventure or do you go off on your own? Or are you desperate enough to hope for Corpo’s help in the end?

Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny End
Johnny asks you how you want to start your last great adventure. Everything depends on your decision.