Become a millionaire overnight with a trading card – Most expensive Magic card drawn!


An unsuspecting Magic: The Gathering fan has managed to do what many streamers have been trying to do for days: He drew the most expensive card ever printed.

The most expensive Magic card ever drawn! For weeks, streamers and fans chased after the one-of-a-kind card, as the card is none other than Sauron’s One Ring from the new Lord of the Rings set.

The most expensive Magic: The Gathering – Card

At last it has been found, the One Ring of the Dark Lord Sauron. The highly coveted card is part of the latest Magic set, which revolves around the popular Lord of the Rings franchise.

Even before the set’s release, it was announced that the powerful magic rings will only exist once each in the world.

None of them, however, was as coveted as the One Ring

On 7 June, “Dave & Adam’s” opened the hunt for the unique card with the promise to buy it from the finder for one million US dollars . A (Spanish gaming store) even increased the offer to a fabulous 2 million dollars

shortly afterwards.

Numerous streamers and fans have been trying to pull the card out of their booster packs ever since. Now, however, the hunt has officially ended.

$1 million – card finally found

On June 30, Dave & Adam’s announced that the highly coveted card had been drawn.

However, the lucky finder is now faced with the difficult decision to whom he will cede the ring. It is clear that there will be a lot of money in it for him.

But that’s exactly what the finder has to deal with first. Because the anonymous lucky guy is not a streamer or a millionaire. He’s just a regular guy who had a bit of luck.

“This kind of thing doesn’t happen to people like me “

For a long time there was no information about the finder of the card. Even though he still wants to remain anonymous, the gaming site (Dexerto) was able to get an exclusive interview with the future millionaire.

In the interview, the finder explains that on the morning of June 16, he spontaneously thought of going to a shop and buying two Collectors boxes of the new set.

In the second box he then found the card for which quite a few streamers had bought hundreds of packs.

He says he knew immediately what kind of card it was.

This is a once in a lifetime opportunity that will change my life. It doesn’t happen to people like me.

He said his plan is to sell the card and invest the money in his future.

It is not yet possible to say exactly how much he will get for the card at the end of the day. However, it seems that the card has found someone who can make good use of the money in any case.