Diablo 4 (adorns) players suddenly involuntarily with random items and causes laughter


There seems to be a bug on the public test server for the upcoming season and the upcoming addon. The explanation for this could be simple

The public test server (PTR) forDiablo 4has been open since September 4, 2024. Until September 11, players can play the upcoming changes of the upcoming addon Vessel of Hatred and the upcoming Season 6

In addition, the PTR is a good opportunity to track down bugs so that everything runs as bug-free as possible at release.One such bug is currently causing curious scenes on the Diablo test server.

Bug mixes up equipment slots

The bug is currently messing up the visual equipment slots.Any cosmetic item can be displayed in any display slot.So pants suddenly end up on the chest. The trophies that normally dangle from a mount’s flank are now worn on the back of some characters.

OnRedditthere is a short video in which a character can be seen “adorned” accordingly:

Ummmm… New armor set? Funny I guess lol
byu/BlackberryNew2838 indiablo4

Why is my horse trophy on my back? I mean, I don’t hate it…
byu/F1NNTORIO indiablo4

The photos and videos are commented on accordingly.One user writes that the bug is a new feature that comes with Season 6. Other users also report on their experiences with the bug. One also gives the tip to re-equip the items and thus fix the bug

According to the portalicy-veins.comthe reason for the bug could be quite simple. While on the live servers, players can only change the appearance of their characters at the wardrobe in the inns, this is possible at any time on the PTR via a character menu.

This revised function of the transmog system still seems to be causing some problems and the bug.

The PTR is still open until September 11, 2024. The addon Vessel of Hatred will then be released on October 8. Season 6 and Patch 2.0 are then expected to launch on October 9.

The addon brings back one of the most popular features – the rune words, which you can use to improve your equipment. Patch 2.0, on the other hand, adjusts the level cap. In future, you will “only” be able to level your character up to level 60 instead of up to level 100 as before.