Diablo 4: After patch 2.0.5, anomalous embers are raining down in the endgame and fans are confused


A resource that is actually rare is currently dropping much more frequently than usual in Diablo 4. It is not yet clear whether this is intentional.

While Christmas is still a month away for us, in Diablo 4 the season of giving has already arrived. And not just because of the Midwinter Plague event, which lets you pick up a one-time reward from a statue in Kyovashad.

Because the latest patch 2.0.5has also ensured that you are showered with valuable resources during infernal floods. But it is questionable whether this will last for long.

Gluten-filled tides

Specifically, this is about the Anomalous Glut that you can collect during an infernal flood. This currency is dropped by defeated enemies and allows you to open special chests called Tormented Gifts These in turn contain legendary and unique items of equipment and weapons.

The rate at which these embers appear has apparently been drastically increased with the last patch Players can currently find many times the normal amount of anomalous embers. Diablo streamer Rob impressively demonstrates this in his video:

The patch also marked the start of the Christmas event, which hands out buffs and presents, but Rob and many other players are convinced that the enormous amount of ember is caused by a bug So it’s quite possible that Blizzard will normalize the ember yield via hotfix.

This is also supported by the fact that the change is not mentioned in the patch notes (which you can find on page two of the article).

Until then, many players are wondering and enjoying the additional ember in the Hellfloods, even though it is not infinitely useful. This is because the Tormented Gifts, which are used for the embers, only appear in limited numbers, which is why you can only spend a maximum of about 1,500 embers per flood.

On Reddit, a player named JfluxLy shares a useful trick that can still be used with the embers. This makes it possible to switch to another character of the same level during the Hellflood and open all chests with them. This makes it easy to collect lots of equipment for all characters.

Incidentally, if you want to strengthen a particular character, Blizzard is officially offering you a great opportunity right now:

As part of the current event, you can level one of your heroes on the eternal realm directly to level 50 and receive legendary equipment, as well as lots of gold and crafting materials. All you have to do is talk to the Fated Reliquary in Kyovashad’s tavern.

Hate Vessel

Game Updates

Balance Updates


Ritual Runes


  • No longer blocked by invulnerability.
  • Tooltip now explicitly states that you must take damage to stop this effect.


  • Offering has been increased from 25 to 35.

Summoning runes


  • Meteors spread less when falling.
  • Meteorites have less delay between volleys.


  • Spirit Wolves now all have the Unhindered buff, which allows them to move through enemies and the player, since Spirits don’t normally run into things.


  • There are now 3 Pestilent Swarms spawnning at once.
  • Damage reduced from 300% to 150%.


  • Duration increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds.
  • Duration now updates properly.


  • Increased from 1% to 2.5%.


  • Offer price reduced from 400 to 300.



Shield Throw

  • Taunting duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.
  • Number of times it bounces increased from 3 to 9.
  • Damage increased from 225% to 450%.

Iron Wolf’s Protection

  • Cooldown reduction of Fortitude increased from 25% to 35%.

Iron Wolf’s Virtue

  • The cooldown reduction of Fortitude has been increased from 25% to 35%.

Iron Wolf’s Arrival

  • The cooldown reduction of Fortitude has been increased from 25% to 35%.

Shattering Shield

  • Crater’s explosion damage increased by 200%.

Draw Fire

  • Removed the ability to use a potion while at maximum health.


Ancient Harpoon

  • Stun duration increased from 2 to 4 seconds, damage increased from 140% to 200%.


  • Increased physical damage from 65% to 85%.


  • Slow duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds.


  • Damage reduction increased from 10% to 15%.

Taste of Flesh

  • Increased healing amount from 1% to 2%.


Bargaining Chips

  • Increased overpower damage from 2% to 5%.


  • Detonation timer reduced from 3 seconds to 1.5 seconds.


  • Crowd Control duration increased from 15% [+] to 25% [+].

Pin Cushion

  • Immobilize duration increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds.


  • Damage increased from 300% to 450%.



  • Increased chance of dazing from 5% to 10%.

Flame Wave

  • Increased damage from 300% to 550%.

Curse of the Flames

  • Reduced resource consumption from 10% to 8%.

Flame Shot

  • Increased damage from 40% to 90%.



Withered Fist

  • Poison damage increased from 30% to 36%.
  • Slow increased from 30% to 40%.

Sharp Withering Fist

  • Aim spread increased from 3 enemies to 5 enemies.

Toxic Skin

  • Passive damage increased from 30% to 36%.

Enhanced Toxic Skin

  • Toxic Skin bonus damage increased from 100% to 130%.

Measured Toxic Skin

  • Damage increased from 15% to 36%.


  • Updated Soar’s aim so it lands on the controller’s targeted enemies instead of at maximum range.

Razor Wings

  • Damage increased from 50% to 75%.
  • No longer has a short cooldown between casts.

Improved Rushing Claw

  • Bonus damage per hit increased from 10% to 20%, maximum bonus increased from 80% to 100%.

Poised Rushing Claw

  • Bonus evasion duration increased from 3 to 6 seconds.

Harmonious Devourer

  • Toxic Gobs damage now scales with Devourer skill ranks.

Exalted Devourer

  • Pestilence Swarm damage now scales with Devourer skill ranks.



  • Bonus duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds.


  • Bonus poisoning damage increased from 3/6/9 %[x] to 4/8/12 %[x] per rank.

Adaptable Stances

  • Bonus duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds.

Legendary Aspects and Unique Items

Aspect of Invigorating Will

  • Healing chance increased from 10% to 25%.

Bruiser’s Aspect

  • Armor increased from 1% to 2% per 1% missing max health.

Avoidance Aspect

  • Evasion Chance increased from 4-8% to 6-10%.

Destroyer Starvation Aspect

  • Life force drain reduced from 25–5 to 14–4.

Aspect of Deflection

  • Damage increased from 25–32% to 26–54%.

Aspect of Earth Power

  • Damage increased from 45–60% to 180–250%.

Nesekem, the Herald

  • The duration between the markers has been reduced from 5 to 2 seconds.

Bug fixes

Dark Citadel

  • Fixed an issue where the description of the Elixir of Boost contained incorrect text.
  • Fixed several issues where quest objectives, icons, and other UI elements were not displayed correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the portal from Oblivion Realm would not function properly if the boss was defeated while channeling Ominous Threat.


  • Fixed an issue where Subo’s Seeker ability would not track properly when the player moved between zones while mounted.
  • Fixed an issue where the chat log would show that you were killed by your hired mercenary when you were actually killed by an already defeated enemy. (Turns out they weren’t traitors after all!)

Kurast Lower City

  • Fixed an issue where the barrier leading to Yoche could be dodged through.
  • Fixed an issue where certain layouts had a lower monster density, making it more difficult to reach maximum attunement.
  • Fixed an issue where the End Portal might not return the player to the city if interacted with just as the timer expired.
  • Fixed an issue where non-tribute runs had a starting timer of 100 instead of 120.


  • Fixed an issue where the Lith rune effect could be activated when using a non-combat ability.


  • Fixed an issue where Nesekem the Herald would mark enemies slower than intended.

Quests and Events

  • Fixed an issue where progress could become blocked during the “Starting Over” quest if a city portal was used during the “Confront Beleth” objective.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Coiling Fate” achievement was not being tracked properly after completing the “All That Is Old” quest.
  • Fixed an issue where progress for the quest “Thrust Into Dark” could be blocked if the required enemies were defeated before reaching the correct step.
  • Fixed an issue where certain campaign quests from “Vessel of Hatred” did not grant appropriate rewards upon completion.
  • Fixed an issue where the health bars for hostages were missing during the hostage-taking event.


  • Fixed an issue where Kirma in Kichuk Fortress could teleport outside of the boss arena and block progress.
  • Fixed an issue where other party members could not join a boss fight in progress in Kichuk.
  • Fixed an issue where the healing fountain in Kichuk would not work.


  • Fixed an issue where certain barbarian and druid polearms could not be used.
  • Fixed an issue where some Akarat tenets could not be interacted with.
  • Various visual quality of life improvements.

Base Game

Balance Updates


Mythic Unique Items

Broken Vow

  • +400% damage on healthy enemies replaced with +44% damage over time.

Andariel’s Vision

  • Damage increased from 3000% to 4000%.

Unique Items

Penitent Leggings

  • Cool per Second is now three times higher.

Enduring Faith

  • Damage spread time increased from 2 to 3 seconds.

Legendary Aspects

Daring Aspect of the Chieftain

  • Maximum cooldown reduction increased from 50% to 70%.

Aspect of Adaptability

  • Both effects now apply to base skills even when not cast, such as the free Storm Strike gained from Greatstaff of the Ancients.



Stomp the Ground

  • Damage increased from 35% to 80%.

Strategic Stomp of the Ground

  • Ultimate Cooldown Reduction increased from 4 to 5 seconds, up to an increased maximum of 15 seconds from 12.

Ancestral Hammer

  • Damage increased from 55% to 70%.


  • Damage increased from 100% to 120%.
  • Lucky strike chance increased from 25% to 30%.

Amplified circulation

  • Stun chance increased from 35% to 45%.

Furious Sweep

  • Damage bonus stacks increased from 8 to 10.
  • Damage per stack increased from 15% to 20%.

Double Sweep

  • Damage increased from 50% to 60%.


  • Damage increased from 12% to 25%.
  • Bleed damage increased from 105% to 120%.


  • Damage increased from 42% to 55%.


  • Damage increased from 18% to 60%.

Iron Hide

  • Cooldown reduced from 14 seconds to 12 seconds.

Improved Iron Hide

  • Before: Iron Hide’s barrier absorbs 25% more of your Max Health.
  • Now: Iron Hide grants Unopposed for 5 seconds and its barrier absorbs 30% more of your Max Health.

Tactical Carapace

  • Healing per second based on barrier increased from 10% to 20%.

Tactical Carapace

  • Amount of buff increased from 20% of max health to 30%.

Finishing Move

  • Damage increased from 120% to 140%.

Improved Finisher

  • Finishing Boss Damage Bonus increased from 150% to 200%.


  • Damage increased from 13% to 25%.

Improved Rupture

  • Damage bonus increased from 20% to 35% per 50 strength.

Steel Grasp

  • Damage increased from 23% to 35%.

Mighty Throw

  • Base damage increased from 80% to 120%.
  • Impulse damage increased from 35% to 55%.

Developer Comment: This change is to balance a bug fix for the affix Hardened, which provides a chance for double damage.


Heavy Hand

  • Critical damage increased from 5/10/15% to 6/12/18%.

Pit Fighter

  • Before: You deal 3% more damage and gain 2% damage reduction while at range.
  • Now: You deal 3% more damage and gain 2% damage reduction.

No Mercy

  • Before: You have a 3/6/9% increased critical strike chance against immobilized, stunned, or slowed enemies.
  • Now: You have a 3/6/9% increased critical strike chance.

Legendary Aspects

Battle Mad

  • Before: After switching weapons 8 times, gain 1.5–4.0 seconds of berserk
  • Now: After switching weapons 8 times, gain 20-40% increased damage and Berserk for 4 seconds

Of Sundered Ground

  • Damage bonus increased from 30–50% to 50–70%.

Unique items

Twin Strikes

  • Damage increased from 30–60% to 50–80%.

Tusk Helm of Joritz the Mighty

  • Berserker damage bonus increased from 15% to 25%.

Gohr’s Devastating Grabs

  • Damage increased from 40-70% to 50-80%.

Ring of Red Furor

  • Critical strike damage increased from 30–60% to 50–80%.

100,000 Steps

  • Effect can occur every 5 seconds instead of every 10 seconds.

Fields of Crimson

  • The blood pool damage bonus increased from 30% to 50%.


  • Shockwave damage increased from 40–60% to 60–80%.


Legendary Bloodrage Node

  • Maximum damage bonus increased from 30% to 45%.

Legendary node Decimator

  • Vulnerability damage bonus increased from 10% to 20%.
  • The Overpower damage bonus increased from 10% to 20%.




  • Mental Power cost reduced from 40 to 35.

Storm Strike

  • Removed 20% damage reduction on Storm Strike chain attacks on surrounding enemies.


  • Poison damage increased from 175% to 275%.

Grizzly Rage

  • The damage bonus has been increased from 30%[x] to 50%[x].


One with nature

  • The damage bonus of companions has been increased from 60% to 80%[x].

Bear Strength

  • The damage of Overpower has been increased from 45% to 70%[x].

Bestial Rampage

  • The damage of Were-Bears increased from 30%[x] to 40%[x].
  • The attack speed of Werewolves increased from 20%[+] to 30%[+].

Lupine Force

  • Critical strike damage increased from 70%[x] to 100%[x] and from 140%[x] to 200%[x] against wounded opponents.

Earthen Might

  • Base chance increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Critical chance bonus increased from 10% to 15%.
  • Bonus chance to hit a stunned, immobilized or knocked back enemy increased from 10% to 15%.

Force of Nature

  • Chance increased from 35% to 40%.

Perfect Storm

  • Spirit gain increased from 1 to 2.
  • Damage increased from 45%[x] to 60%[x].

Spirit Bless

Pack Leader

  • The chance to reset companion skills increased from 25% to 30%.


  • Ultimate skill duration increased from 25% to 35%.

Scythe Talons

  • Critical strike chance increased from 10% [+] to 15% [+].

Storming Charge

  • Attack speed increased from 15% [+] to 20% [+].

Bird Rage

  • Critical hit damage increased from 30%[x] to 40%[x].

Iron Spring

  • Maximum health increased from 20%[x] to 30%[x].


  • Damage increased from 100% to 250%.


  • Healing increased from 5% to 10% of maximum health.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of Ursen Terror

  • Tectonic Spike damage increased from 120-200% to 200-300%.

Aspect of the Tempest Hunter

  • Before: Tornado seeks out up to 1-5 targets.
  • Now: Tornado seeks out up to 1-5 targets and deals 30-50%[x] more damage.

Aspect of Stormclaw

  • Damage increased from 40–60% to 60–80%.

Aspect of Natural Balance

  • Critical strike damage from Earth attacks increased from 30-50%[x] to 50-70%[x].
  • Critical strike chance for storm skills increased from 8-13.3%[+] to 10-15%[+].

Aspect of Trampled Earth

  • Landslide damage increased from 70-110% to 100-140% of normal damage.

Aspect of Storm

  • Hurricane damage per second increased from 10.5–20.5% to 15–25%.

Rabid Bear Aspect

  • Poison damage increased from 30–90%[x] to 60–120%[x].

Unique items

Airidah’s Relentless Will

  • Damage scaling increased from 2.0% to 10.0% per 1 point of Willpower.

Dolmen Stone

  • Rock damage per boulder rotation increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.

Stone of Vehemence

  • The final explosion damage of “Rockfall” has been increased from 10–15 % to 15–20 %.
  • The damage of “Rockfall” per size has been increased from 10–15 % to 15–20 %.

The Basilisk

  • Damage increased from 100–600% to 300–900%.
  • Now always applies on a healthy foe, rather than just on the first hit. Can trigger once every 5 seconds on bosses.


Constricting Vines Legendary Paragon Node

  • Lucky Strike Chance increased from 15% to 40%.
  • Damage increased from 150% to 300% of the skill’s base damage.




  • Damage increased from 33% to 60% per second.
  • Essence gain increased from 10 to 13 per second and now scales with your attack speed bonuses.


  • Damage increased from 27% to 40%.
  • Essence created increased from 9 to 13.

Bone Shard

  • Damage increased from 9% to 15%.
  • The essence generated has been increased from 7 to 10.


  • Damage increased from 13% to 20%.
  • Now generates 15 essence when striking a boss.


  • Damage increased from 180% to 300%.



  • Before: Your bone skills deal 5/10/15% increased critical damage to vulnerable foes.
  • Now: Your bone skills deal 6/12/18 %[x] increased damage to vulnerable opponents.

Multiple Fracture

  • Damage increased from 5/10/15%[x] to 6/12/18%[x].


  • The 2%[x] increased damage to Shadow is now stackable up to 4 times, up from 3.


  • Damage increased from 44% to 60%.


  • Damage increased from 80% to 100%.

Legendary Aspects

Aspect of the Mighty Reaper

  • Pool of Blight bonus damage increased from 60–140%[x] to 70–190%[x].

Reaping Lotus Aspect

  • Sever damage increased from 110–170% to 140–200% of normal damage.

Unique items

Immortal Countenance

  • Damage increased by 5% for every 20% of your Critical Strike Damage, down from 30%.

The Mortacrux

  • The chance to spawn a skeletal simulacrum increased from 10-30% to 20-40%.

Howl From the Deep

  • Corpse explosion damage increased from 30-50% to 50-90%.



Invigorating Strike

  • Base damage increased from 35% to 45%.

Powerful Arrow

  • Base damage increased from 22% to 33%.

Rotating Blades

  • Base damage increased from 54% to 70%.

Piercing Shot

  • Base damage increased from 70% to 95%.

Advanced Piercing Shot

  • Before: When Piercing Shot is cast at full energy, all enemies hit are Slowed by 50% for 3 seconds. Elite enemies are also Knocked Down for 1.5 seconds.
  • Now: When Piercing Shot is cast at full energy, all enemies hit are Slowed by 50% for 3 seconds. Elite enemies take 50% [x] more damage and are knocked down for 1.5 seconds.

Developer Note: In-game tooltip for Advanced Piercing Shot will be updated shortly to reflect multipliers applied to Elite enemies.


  • Base Damage increased from 130% to 150%.

Advanced Flurry

  • Energy cost reduction increased from 10% to 15%.

Rapid Fire

  • The base damage was increased from 33% to 40%.

Improved Rapid Fire

  • Critical strike chance per shot increased from 5% to 7.5%.


  • Base damage increased from 40% to 65%.

Dance of Knives

  • Added a tooltip stating that damage is increased by attack speed.
  • Improved range tracking.
  • Base damage increased from 64% to 86%. Please note that these percentages are based on equipping a one-handed weapon.

Smoke Grenade

  • Cooldown reduced from 13 to 10 seconds.
  • Base damage increased from 45% to 90%.

Counter Stealth

  • This skill now maintains the buff for 5 seconds after casting, regardless of whether you leave the stealth while it is active.
  • Updated the tooltip for better understanding.

Shadow Infusion

  • Damage to individual enemies when the infection expires has been increased from 40% to 60%.


Deadly Poison

  • Damage increased from 3/6/9% to 6/12/18%.


  • Damage increased from 6/12/18% to 8/16/24%.


  • The explosion of “Victim” can occur much more frequently than before.
  • Damage scaling increased from 120% to 150%.

Alchemical Admixture

  • Potency scaling increased from 20% to 40%.
  • Reduced the non-physical damage required to gain this perk from 3 to 2.


  • Damage scaling increased from 15% to 20%.


  • Damage scaling increased from 15% to 25%.


  • Damage per stack increased from 5% to 6%.


  • Lucky Strike chance increased from 25% to 40%.
  • Stun grenade damage increased from 40% to 80%.


Leyrana’s Instinct

  • Maximum damage increased from 35% to 60% at full Inner Eye.

Legendary Aspects

Blade Dancer

  • Damage increased from 40–60% to 60–80%.

Unique items


  • Damage bonus increased from activating double to triple damage.


  • Core damage increased from 20–40% to 50–70%.

Pitfighters Seagull

  • Critical damage increased from 33% to 45%.

Ashearas Kanjar

  • The damage cap increased from 20-40% to 30-50%.

Rogue’s Kiss

  • The damage increased from 15-35% to 35-55%.




  • Increased damage from 96% to 120%.

Improved Meteor

  • Before: When Meteor hits 3 or more enemies, there is a 30% chance that an additional meteor will fall on the same location.
  • Now: When a Meteor strike hits 3 or more enemies, an additional meteor will fall on the same location.

Enhanced Hydra

  • Before: While you are in good health, your Hydra strikes gain 1 additional head.
  • Now: While healthy, your Hydra Spells gain 1 additional head and deal 50%[x] more damage.


  • Damage increased from 40% to 70%.


  • Damage per second increased from 101% to 120% to 136% to 162%.


Vyr’s Mastery

  • Damage increased from 250% to 500%.


  • Before: Your burning effects deal 60%[x] increased damage and an additional 4%[x] per unique source of burning you have inflicted on the enemy.
  • Now: Your burning effects deal 60%[x] increased damage and an additional 25%[x] of your bonus damage to burning enemies.


  • Increased critical strike chance from 10% to 30%.
  • Removed the doubled chance of Avalanche activating on vulnerable enemies. Instead, damage is now increased by an additional 25%[x] against vulnerable enemies.

Legendary Aspects and Unique Items

Aspect of Lightning

  • Now deals critical surge damage from improved lightning strikes instead of critical area damage.

Overheat Aspect

  • Before: After channeling Immolate for 3 seconds, deal X critical Fire damage every 1 second for 5 seconds. Casting Immolate renews and maintains this bonus.
  • Now: After channeling Immolate for 2 seconds, deal 75-100% increased damage for 5 seconds. Casting Immolate renews and maintains this bonus.

Piercing Cold Aspect

  • Before: Ice Shards pierces 3–19 times, dealing 25–5% less damage per subsequent enemy hit.
  • Now: Ice Shards pierces 10 times, dealing 4–10% more damage per subsequent enemy hit.

“Starfall Coronet”

  • Cooldown reduced from 4 to 3 seconds and charges increased from 2 to 3.


Stalagmite Glyph

  • Ice Spike Bonus increased from 16.7%[+] to 18.8%[+]

Torch Glyph

  • The additional bonus cap increased from 12.5% to 25%.

Pyromaniac Glyph

  • The additional bonus has been increased from 2% to 3% and the cap has been increased from 10%[x] to 18%[x].

Party Finder

  • The Echo of Hatred boss fight has been added to Party Finder.
  • Additional tooltips and icons have been added in various contexts to increase visibility of the Group Finder.
  • The default keyboard shortcut and emote wheel action for opening the Group Finder will now open the last-used tab. The first time it is used, the Search tab will open by default.

User Interface and User Experience

  • The description for the difficulty modification change now indicates that the unlock conditions are character-specific.
  • The difficulty icons have been updated to be more visually distinct from one another.
  • No Change is now the default when enchanting an item.


  • Increased the quality of loot awarded from Legion Event Chests.
  • Artillery, Blaster, and Sewer Shrines now deal increased damage that scales with both character level and Paragon level.
  • Vicious Heart cost reduced from 9 to 3 to use in crafting Slithy Toves Eggs.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where screen reader would not fully function in the Party Finder menu.

Party Finder

  • Fixed an issue where quick list icons were not displaying properly on the map for the Pit.
  • Fixed an issue where the Pit quick list would automatically apply the tags “Dungeon” and “Nightmare Dungeon” to the list.
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced Search filters would not reset when changing the Search Preferences.
  • Fixed an issue where closing Party Finder would not return to the previous window.
  • Fixed an issue where the level range for listing a group for the Pit was only going to 100.
  • Fixed an issue where the level ranges for listing a group for the Pit could be set with a minimum value higher than the set maximum.
  • Fixed an issue where the controller focus in the group finder was initially set to the expansion panel instead of the first activity panel.



  • Fixed an issue where Mighty Throw Chance to deal double damage would always apply the bonus from Temper. Implemented a balancing buff as seen above.
  • Fixed an issue where the Aspect of the Daring Chieftain would occasionally stop working.


  • Fixed a bug where the “Chance for Shred to hit twice” affix was actually granting a chance to deal double damage. The affix has been updated to reflect this functionality and is now listed as “Chance for Shred to deal double damage.”
  • Fixed a bug where Shred’s 4th attack would not execute correctly when using Aspect of the Nimble Wolf.


  • Fixed a bug where the “Blood Orbs Restore Essence” affix was not increasing on the Blood Artist’s Cuirass during Masterwork.
  • Fixed a bug where the Ebonpiercer’s Lesser Plague projectiles were not benefiting from the “Plague Projectiles have a chance to fire twice” affix.
  • Fixed an issue where Ring of Mendeln’s attack meter would reset on all minions when a new minion was summoned.
  • Fixed an issue where Soulrift would sometimes not cast when targeting a location outside of line of sight.


  • Fixed an issue where charges would not update the damage type done with Shadow Step.
  • Fixed an issue where the bonus from Counter Stealth was removed immediately after the stealth was broken.


  • Fixed a few issues where Familiar would not interact properly with Enlightenment when combined with Sidhe Bonds.


  • Fixed an issue where enemies could appear behind the closed door in the Fallen Council chambers in Hell Hordes.
  • Fixed an issue where swapping gems did not remove the stat granted by the gem that was removed.
  • Fixed an issue where glyph upgrade chance was not scaling properly after level 100 Dungeon Level.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not use the city portal immediately after changing the difficulty level.
  • Fixed an issue where the monster density in Sarkova Pass was lower than intended when Hell Tide was active.
  • Fixed an issue where completing Pit Level 150 in a group with someone who had not completed the lower levels would not unlock those lower levels for that other player.

Quests and Events

  • Fixed an issue where interacting with the discarded vials earlier than intended could cause the quest “Izel the Vizjerei” to become blocked.
  • Fixed an issue where enemies would have more health than intended during the Rupture event on higher difficulties, making Mastery excessively difficult to achieve.
  • Fixed an issue where the boss health bar could appear outside of the boss room in the pit.

User Interface and User Experience

  • Fixed an issue where the collect all sigil prompt would not display information about collecting Infernal Compasses or Kurast Lower City Tributes.
  • Fixed an issue where the Urn of Aggression would display incorrect bonus experience values on several difficulties.
  • Fixed an issue where the Transmutation tab for gems was missing from the alchemist.
  • Fixed an issue where the tooltip for difficulties only referred to the statue in Kyovashad and not to the other places where the statues are present.
  • Fixed an issue where navigating to the Craft Sigil tab in Occultist would set the player’s inventory to the Consumables tab instead of the Dungeon Keys tab.
  • Fixed several cases where certain aspects would not display when using the keyword search in the Codex of Power.


  • Fixed an issue where companions would not be able to teleport with the player under various circumstances.
  • Fixed an issue where achievements could be unlocked on the Torment difficulty by simply entering the required level of the Grube, rather than completing it.
  • Various visual, UI, stability, and performance improvements.