Diablo 4: Big livestream today with “secret announcement”, here”s how you can be part of it


The developers of the action role-playing game want to talk in a livestream, among other things, about what they have learned from the beta of Diablo 4.

Diablo 4 is about to be released: Starting June 6, you can head to Sanctuary to put a stop to Lilith, the princess of hell. Those who are impatiently waiting for the release after the open beta in March can now shorten the waiting time with a livestream, which is supposed to announce a lot of news.

When and where can the livestream be seen?

The livestream will start on April20 at 8pm German time and will last about 90 minutes. You can watch on the official channels of Diablo 4 on (YouTube) and (Twitch). Participating as a guest is Diablo streamer Rhykker.

What”s new?

In the on Twitter made (announcement of the livestream) there is no exact schedule for the event, but it is already announced several topics: so, among other things, more will be revealed about the endgame of Diablo 4. In addition, the developers want to talk about what they have learned in the beta about classes and dungeons.

Lately, they had already released a new video about the Endgame and announced numerous changes after the beta, which will be integrated for the release. We have summarized what we would like to see in Diablo 4 in our video:

But that”s not all: Diablo lead developer Rod Fergusson teases a secret announcement for the livestream:

No clues as to what it is yet. However, the community is (on Reddit) already busy speculating.

The hopes are about a sixth class for the release, which could be a kind of knight or paladin. While such a large-caliber announcement is rather unlikely, there are also other, mostly joking conjectures. For instance, (RabbitFlowerThief) writes:

They are so far ahead of their schedule that they decided to release the game tomorrow!

Full_Echo_3123 On the other hand, thinks that a new cow level will be teased. This Easteregg has a longer tradition in Diablo and was already in Diablo 2 and 3. And Grayoth finally goes all out, and suspects an announcement of Diablo 5.

Will you be watching the Diablo 4 livestream, or would you rather read our recap of the news after the fact? What are you hoping for from the secret announcement during the stream? Do you believe in a new class, or do you prefer to keep your expectations low so you won”t be disappointed? Feel free to post it in the comments!