Diablo 4: The new update 1.1.2 comes tomorrow, we already have the patch notes


The next patch for Diablo 4 is just around the corner. We tell you what improvements and fixes you can look forward to.

Diablo 4 is moulting – if that makes sense for a million-dollar hit. But with a huge number of players also come wishes, which Blizzard has recently finally met with handsome success. The players are probably currently satisfied on average as never before in the still young life of the action role-playing game.

And shortly after patch 1.1.1 follows on August 15 already version 1.1.2. We tell you what changes.

What’s in patch 1.1.2 for Diablo 4?

All in all, the new patch is not mind-blowing. It will affect the game far less than its predecessor. Nevertheless, apart from various minor bug fixes and balancing adjustments, there are also two interesting points in it – although one is probably too late.

  • The common way to reset nightmare dungeons in a group is history. Promoting a player to leader will no longer reset the dungeon. As a result, farming will become more onerous.
  • All players are now in trade chat by default. The question here is whether everyone interested in trading hasn’t switched to other, external channels by now anyway. It would probably have done more good to have this in right at release or a few days or even weeks later – not months later. Our Diablo 4 expert and co-author of the special issue, André Baumgartner, has a clear point of view on this:

This change really makes sense, but unfortunately it comes much too late. I don’t understand why this logical step to promote in-game economy is coming only now. In the meantime, all those interested in trading have migrated to Discord anyway and do bartering there. So, in short, Blizzard, too little, too late.

Not mentioned, however, are various other exploits that we have also reported. But perhaps Blizzard is also tackling these in secret, so as not to draw even more attention to them in advance than is already the case. Shadow fixes are indeed something the US developer is banking on, as we also recently experienced.

Where Blizzard needs to learn for the future, however, are the concepts for the Seasons themselves. After all, the first one for Diablo 4 didn’t really go down great. However, they do not have to run far at all for advice, because they have experts for successful content on time sitting in the neighboring office, as the soon to start last season with new content for Diablo 3 shows.

The complete patch notes for the update 1.1.2, source: (Blizzard)

What do you say to the patch notes? Are there points for you, which are apparently only small things, but in your eyes become gamechangers? Or is the update rather the opposite, namely disappointing? What fixes or tunings do you think Blizzard should address soon? And is the title in a good condition by now – compared to the start of the first season? Feel free to write us your opinion in the comments!