Diablo developers advise you to take a break when you reach your goals


One month after its release, the hackn-slay giant Diablo 4 is still captivating millions of players  Shortly before the start of the 1st Season, however, some feel a certain fatigue, some even force themselves to continue farming for better items anyway. Now (Blizzard) has published a surprising message for developers. In it, they tell Diablo 4 players that it’s ok to take a break once you’ve reached your initial goals, i.e. mastered multiple classes or built the perfect build.

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So if you’re looking to take a Diablo break after countless nightmare dungeons and fighting the same enemies over and over again, the developers are now encouraging you to do so. Associate Game Director Joseph Piepiora says that it is perfectly fine to spend time with another game. That’s something you rarely hear from the developers.

In the last developer update, where the first season was announced and a new class for Diablo Immortal was introduced, the game duration was also a topic. Some people might be annoyed by the fact that they have to start a new character for each season. However, according to the developer, this is a conscious decision to make it easier for new players to get started, so that everyone has the same, fair starting point. This way, long-time players can sit out a season and start again with a later one without falling behind.

According to developer Piepiora, you should also take a break “when you’ve achieved all your goals and done the things you think are important”. A healthy attitude from the developers towards their own game and the player community, which also shows that they respect the time and effort of their users. Diablo 4 was, after all, designed to be played for years. Not a sprint that you have to finish completely and forever. Of course, this does not rule out the possibility of getting the famous Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) anyway. Diablo 4 is as tempting to this as any other MMORPG. Nevertheless, this is a reminder and this advice from the developers a refreshing honesty and openness. And in the end, everyone decides for themselves about their available time and how they want to allocate it to which games.