Diablo IV: New info on Season 4 coming soon


The third season of Diablo IV has been running since the end of January and as most community members have already completed their to-do’s, they are now eagerly awaiting new information about the fourth season. As the Community Development Director has now announced, this should follow soon.

The third season of Diablo IV has been running since the end of January, and as most community members have already completed their to-do’s, they are now eagerly awaiting new information about the fourth season. As the Community Development Director has now announced, this should follow soon

Fans of Diablo IV have already dealt with special gems, vampire abilities and a mechanical seneschal companion and now they’re excited to see what’s in store. Now they are eager to see what the fourth season has in store for them. So far, Blizzard has remained silent about a possible theme. However, this will soon come to an end. Because Global Community Development Director Adam Fletcher yesterday announced a new Campfire Chat for next week When this will take place will be announced later this week

During the last Campfire Chat Blizzard has already discussed an important problem area that will be addressed with the upcoming season in Diablo IV.
This is reworking the itemization As fans have been criticizing since the release, the choice of suitable equipment items has become a tricky matter due to complex connections of legendary effects. When new items are found, it can therefore take some time before a suitable piece of equipment can be selected for the character

To test the revised itemization, there will be a PTR (Patch Test Realm) for the first time in Diablo IV. In this test realm, players will test the changes made and then provide feedback. This realm could go live shortly, as the start of the fourth season is scheduled for mid-April.

Frustration about the itemization of Diablo IV

The Diablo IV community’s frustration over the lack of itemization is evident on Twitter. Many users explain that they have not yet dealt with the endgame content because of the poor itemization. Should this finally improve, however, they would return for the fourth season

We’re excited to see what Blizzard has come up with for the fourth season of Diablo IV and will let you know accordingly.