Diablo IV: New video delves into the storyline


Yesterday afternoon, Blizzard released a new video about Diablo IV. In it, the authors and lore specialists talk about the plot and setting of the upcoming adventure game.

With the plot of Diablo IV, Blizzard seems to want to make up for some past mistakes. On the one hand, the events of the rather unpopular Diablo III are made up for by setting the plot a proud 50 years into the future On the other hand, with the help of the complex plot and the epic setting, they give the previously poor storytelling a proper upgrade.

The plot of Diablo IV takes root long before the creation of Sanctuary and begins with a merciless war that has raged between the heavens and the hells since the beginning of time. For some angels and demons, this war has lost its meaning, which is why they are looking for a way out.

When the demon mother Lilith meets the angel Inarius, they realise that their counterpart has also grown tired of war. Therefore, with the help of the world stone, they create Sanctuary. The world is therefore a place of refuge in the truest sense of the word. But the heavens and hells learn of this escape attempt and lock Inarius and Lilith up in the hells. However, angels and Lilith manage to escape. Despite this further unifying factor, the two supernatural beings are hostile to each other. Therefore, they clash in a new, epic battle, fought on the backs of humanity.

Focus on the people

Since the disappearance of Inarius and Lilith, Sanctuary has become a sinister place whose power vacuum has been filled with other factions. The heroes who were glorious 50 years ago have now been forgotten and so the common people long for a new hero. This is where your character comes in, of course, who initially has nothing to do with this supernatural struggle. However, through an as yet unspecified character, you are drawn into this showdown.

As the story of Diablo IV continues to unfold, you will encounter familiar characters such as the Horadrim Lorath Nahr. But there are also a lot of new characters, like Inarius” loyal (if not fanatical) follower Prava. We already met her in a trailer last year. We also get to meet Donan, who is also a Horadrim.

Even though the basis of the setting consists of the epic battle between the heavens and the hells, Diablo IV is essentially about the people living in the gloomy Sanctuary and how they try to make the best out of the gloomy circumstances.

You”ll be able to find out for yourself exactly how this will work from 6 June onwards.