Is the Battle Pass in Diablo 4 worth it at all? We take a closer look!


We tell you when the Battle Pass in Diablo 4 is worth the money – and to what extent Blizzard is brazenly ripping you off here.

Diablo 4 is currently receiving massive criticism for its first season, a lot of the changes are not going down well with players.

The criticism of the endgame also remains – but with the Battle Pass there is now at least another long-term occupation, if you have treated yourself to the Deluxe or Ultmate version or invested ten euros.

But is it worth buying or activating the Battle Pass in Season 1? We take a closer look.

What’s in the Battle Pass?

There are a total of 90 rewards waiting for you in the Battle Pass. 27 of them can be obtained by all players, the remaining 63 require a Premium Battle Pass, which costs 1,000 platinum or 10 euros.

What is immediately noticeable: Not only are there more than twice as many additional rewards in the paid version as in the free pass, but the quality of the rewards is also significantly higher

This is what you get in the free Battle Pass

The free Battle Pass levels grant twelve times Smouldering Ashes: These can be invested in five different buffs, for example to get more experience points when killing monsters or more gold when selling items.

The remaining 15 levels offer cosmetic rewards such as weapon and armour skins. However, these are not particularly pretty but rather minimalistic. There is hardly a big difference to ordinary items that you can find early in the game.

But it’s best to look at some examples:

This is what you get in the Premium Battle Pass

The rewards in the Premium Battle Pass seem much higher quality in comparison. Here you get two different armour sets with matching weapons for all classes. Many of the skins, especially the helmets, have an elaborate and unique design.

In addition, there are several emotes, two horses including armour, trophies, a tombstone as well as player titles. There are also 666 platinums, which do not cover the cost of the next Premium Pass, but reduce it to around 4 Euros.

Is it worth buying?

While many of the skins that can be found in the game by default are also pretty, there are a lot of exclusive rewards in them that you will probably only be able to get if you treat yourself to the Premium variant.

We think: The Premium Battle Pass for 10 euros is a fair offer. However, it is only worth buying under certain circumstances:

  • You play Diablo 4 regularly and often enough to complete the Battle Pass. Blizzard announced in advance that you should need around 75 hours – but that’s nonsense. As soon as your character reaches about level 70 and has completed all the tasks of the seasonal journey, you should be done. Approximately four to five Battlepass levels can be unlocked per hour.
  • Of course, you should pay attention to the appearance of your character, as all rewards are cosmetic only.
  • If you want to show off your character’s cool appearance, you should rather invest the money in an (overpriced) skin. Many players will own the armour from the Battle Pass.
  • Do you not like the skins and mounts from the Battle Pass at all and would never use them? Then of course it’s not worth buying them either.

The accelerated Battle Pass is incredibly cheeky

What we have to advise against, however, is the accelerated Premium Pass: This costs the equivalent of 28 euros and lets you skip 20 stages in the Battle Pass. That’s a cheeky price to pay for saving around four to five hours of game time. Since you have three months, you can also purchase the pass without the expensive upgrade.

What is particularly cheeky, however, is that the 28-euro pass includes an exclusive emote. This is mainly used to lure the so-called completionists who value a complete collection. This tactic has apparently already proven successful for Activision-Blizzard with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, where buyers of the €30 Blackcell Battle Pass each receive an exclusive little something.

Price and performance are absolutely out of proportion here – so be sure to keep your hands off it.