Patch 2.3 for Diablo 2 Resurrected: Can these changes turn the tide?


Patch 2.3 promises what disappointed fans want from Diablo 2 Resurrected. But is that enough to get the remaster back on track?

Blizzard vows improvement and (promises a few changes with patch 2.3), which come directly from the wish list of disappointed players. But is that enough for a rosy future?


These improvements are coming with Patch 2.3


More skill options for mouse and keyboard

You currently use skills and spells with the left and right mouse buttons, so that only two can be equipped at the same time if you don’t use F1 to F12 to rotate quickly. You then have to press the respective function key before you can click and execute the skill. The situation is different with the controller, where you can switch directly and easily between up to twelve skills. No wonder that many mouse-and-keyboard players would also like to have this.

Originally, Blizzard refrained from doing this so as not to deviate too far from the original. Inspired by player feedback, however, you will soon be able to use an additional bar with active skills and assign up to 16 skills there, as well as use them directly via Quick Cast. You can decide for yourself whether you want to use the new feature.

Using more than two skills in Diablo 2 Resurrected on PC has been a fiddly affair so far.
Using more than two skills in Diablo 2 Resurrected on PC has been a fiddly affair so far.


Improvements in UI, audio and graphics

The user interface should communicate more clearly in online mode in future. You will then see more clearly when players are muted or ignored. In addition, character level and expansion type, as well as Real IDs of affected friends, will be displayed correctly in the lobby screen and it will be more obvious when you change the chat channel.

If you are using a controller, you will soon hear audio cues when scrolling through the menu or when self-refilling potions on your character belt. Those who play with an Nvidia card can also look forward to DLSS, which is supposed to increase the graphics quality without sacrificing performance.


Gaming optimisations

In PvP duels or PvE battles, you will now see a miss indicator when an attack misses and you activate the corresponding function. You can now bind throwing to a button even if you’re not wearing anything to throw around and also use Force Move via button assignment, which navigates the character to the selected point without accidentally attacking enemies.

How the remaster plays overall and where it still loses potential, you can find out here in the video:


New offline difficulty for console players

If you don’t play on PC, you can look forward to a harder difficulty level on the consoles as a soloist. If you are looking for the corresponding loot blessing, you can then set the difficulty level so that it is intended for up to eight players. You can select the tougher challenge under the game settings by setting yourself to offline and then moving the slider to the desired value.

When will update 2.3 be released?

According to Blizzard, we can expect the release of the patch at the beginning of December. The improvements will be accompanied by numerous bug fixes, which will then further flesh out the patch notes. Even before that, in the coming weeks, the first PTR (Public Test Realm) for Diablo 2 Resurrected will start. As usual, you will be able to try out balance changes, fixed bugs and other adjustments in advance in a test environment.

What do you think of the patch? Were you hoping for different or more improvements from Update 2.3, or are you happy with how Diablo 2 Resurrected is currently playing for you? Write us your opinion in the comments