Diablo Immortal Leveling Guide: The fastest way to level 60


You want to level up fast in Diablo Immortal? Then take a look at our leveling guide – we have summarized the best tips for you.

Diablo Immortal has been playable on PC since 2 June – and as with every MMO, there are once again many impatient players who would like to reach level 60 quickly and let off steam in the endgame.

If you belong to this type of player, you should take a look at our leveling guide – because here you will get five valuable tips to level up quickly in Diablo Immortal!

1: Play the campaign!

Yes, this tip is obvious. But if you want to get to max level quickly and thus into the endgame so that the motivating loot hunt can finally really get going, you should focus on the main story quests. Yes, the first dungeon with its Skeleton King boss yields some nice loot – but why grind if you won’t need the stuff in a few hours or even minutes anyway?

2: Maximum XP through Elder Rifts

Of course, most experience is gained through quests in the main story. But at some point you’ll run out of quests. In order to advance to the next area, you have to get the required levels elsewhere.

For example, you can complete the side quests or the camps scattered around the game world. The most effective method, however, is the blunt grinding of Elder Rifts / Elder Portals. These are more or less the Nephalem portals as you already know them from Diablo 3. These are unlocked as soon as you have reached level 20 and thus the Westmark area.

For each completed portal, your XP bar will fill up by about 15 percent – there is currently no faster leveling method that lets you repeat it infinitely.

Our tip for maximum speed: Ignore all standard enemies! Instead, look out for special groups of enemies – they are always marked with a blue symbol on the minimap. These not only give you extra progress on the way to the portal boss, but also drop worthwhile experience orbs and better loot!

3: Bounties

Also quite early in the game you will unlock the bounties. When you accept these orders, you have to kill certain enemies on the map or in dungeons. The experience point yield is really good here! However, the number of bounties is limited to eight per day.

These individual bounties are usually completed within 3 to 5 minutes – a lot of reward with little effort! But beware: Do not cramp up on the conclusion of the bounties. For some, the game requires 60 kills from you, but the required enemies only spawn every five minutes in small groups of four. And then other players in the shared world also steal the kills from you? No, thank you – in such cases, it’s better to make Rifts!

4: Use massacre bonus!

As in Diablo 3, one of the most effective ways to quickly collect large amounts of bonus XP is to take full advantage of the massacre bonus!

Here’s how it works: With each successive kill, your massacre bonus increases, up to a maximum of 100 collected kills. However, you only have a few seconds to maintain the kill chain

Since this time window is renewed with each hit on an enemy, you should already move towards the next enemy group during the fight. This works particularly well in the already mentioned elder portals, as there is a high mob density here. So it’s almost always an enemy for a quick attack nearby so as not to let the series rip off.

5: Don’t forget Battle Pass!

Last but not least, you should always keep an eye on your Battle Pass, because here too, not only exciting rewards, but also valuable bonus XP await you with every level up.

These individual bounties are usually completed within 3 to 5 minutes – a lot of reward for little effort! But beware: don’t get too hung up on completing the bounties. For some of them, the game requires 60 kills from you, but the required enemies only spawn every five minutes in small groups of four. And then other players in the shared world steal your kills? No, thanks – in such cases it’s better to do rifts!

4: Use the massacre bonus!

As in Diablo 3, one of the most effective ways to collect large amounts of bonus XP quickly is to take full advantage of the massacre bonus.

This works like this: With each consecutive kill, your massacre bonus increases, up to a maximum of 100 collected kills. However, you only have a few seconds to maintain the kill chain.

Since this time window is renewed with every hit on an enemy, you should already move towards the next group of enemies during the fight. This works particularly well in the aforementioned elders’ portals, as there is a high mob density here. So there is almost always an enemy nearby for a quick attack to keep the streak going.

5: Don’t forget your Battle Pass!

Last but not least, always keep an eye on your Battle Pass, because here too, not only exciting rewards await you with every level-up, but also valuable bonus XP.

So keep checking the available activities in your Battle Pass every now and then. Often you’ll need to do things we recommend anyway – like completing bounties or elder portals.