Elden Ring – Strength Faith Build with the Blasphemous Blade and Gargolye’s Blackblade (GUIDE)


With this build it is possible to do Holy and Fire damage in Elden Ring. You only have to focus on strength and faith.

The Blasphemous Blade in Elden Ring is a boss weapon that can be obtained after defeating Rykard. With this blade, it is possible to create a powerful build that can deal both Holy and Fire damage.

In this setup, the players:inside carry a greatsword in both hands. Nevertheless, in addition to the Blasphemous Blade, Gargoyle’s Blackblade and Gargoyle’s Greatsword are also relevant in the build. This makes it possible to switch between Holy and Fire damage. However, the Blackblade and the Blasphemous Blade can only be found from the middle of the game onwards.

Early Game

  • Weapon, right hand: Any greatsword
  • Weapon, left hand: any greatsword
  • Armor: Heaviest armor yet for a medium role

Mid to End Game

  • Weapon, right hand: Blasphemous Blade, Gargoyle’s Blackblade
  • Weapon, left hand: Gargoyle’s Greatsword, Clawmark Seal
  • Armor: Raptors’s Black Feathers
  • Talismans: Shard of Alexander, Great-Jar’s Arsenal, Claw Talisman, Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman
  • War Bag: Flaming Strike, Sacred Order
  • Spells: Golden Vow, Flame, Grant Me Strength, Blessing of the Erdtree, Lightning Spear, Stone of Gurranq

The unique skill of the blasphemous blade is called Taker’s Flame. This lets loose a jet of flame directly onto the ground in front of the players:inside, hitting enemies from a distance. The Gargoyle’s Blackblade has a similar skill, but in contrast, this one deals Holy damage. The Gargoyle’s Greatsword can be reinforced with the Flaming Strike or Sacred Order war ash with Holy or Fire damage.

Armor, on the other hand, buffs the damage the players:inside do during a jump attack. This is also the preferred gameplay with the build. Nevertheless, the unique abilities of the weapons can also be used to fight at a distance. This allows the build to be used for both close and long range combat.


For such a strength-faith build, some attributes are essential. Nevertheless, especially strength and faith should be upgraded, because the weapons scale on these values and thus become stronger. Therefore, these two attributes should be improved in a balanced way. After all, faith is also needed to be able to cast the invocations.

(The blasphemous blade hurls a massive jet of fire at enemies. (Source: Bandai Namco))
(The blasphemous blade hurls a massive jet of fire at enemies. (Source: Bandai Namco))

However, the players can also invest more points in strength at the beginning so that the character can withstand some hits without effort. In addition, the stamina should not be disregarded in order to be able to deal out some hits. The vagabond would be suitable as a starter class, as he already starts with good values for strength and power. Only in faith does this one weaken.