Elden Ring: With Graceborne, fans finally bring a piece of Bloodborne to PC


Elden Ring Graceborn fulfills the dream of many Soulslike fans and transforms the open-world epic into a Bloodborne experience for PC

Bloodborne’sPC port has become a bittersweet running gag. Fans have been dreaming of a 60 FPS version of the cosmic horror soulslice for the PC for years and have been disappointed for just as long. However, a mod for Elden Ring

is now finally set to remedy the situation.

Elden Ring Graceborne fulfills long-cherished Bloodborne wish

On the website Nexusmods, user corvianNoctishas published a modthat aims to transform Elden Ring into an even darker and more sinister experience. To do so, it adds the trick weapons familiar from Bloodborne, a bunch of gothic-themed armor sets and even firearms to parry your foes with.

In addition to introducing a permanent night, some enemies and even bosses are also swapped out to match the Bloodborne aesthetic. Caution, mini-spoilers: The transplanted sprout that normally flattens you right at the starting point of the game becomes a sinister barbed wire knight with a mysterious cloak who will kill you just as mercilessly.

The mod is still in an early development phase, but can already be downloaded and tried out. The alpha release trailer gives you a first impression

The trailer shows one of the iconic tricorn-wearing hunters from Bloodborne, the new creepy versions of some enemies and NPCs, a few of the trick weapons in action and… Pyramid Head? Well, why not?

In total, the alpha version of the mod adds the following to the main Elden Ring game:

  • 22 armor sets
  • 35 Weapons
  • 17 Trick weapons
  • 5 Firearms
  • Weapons parade
  • the removal of the equipment weight
  • Quicksteps instead of the dodge roll when targeting enemies
  • Permanent night
  • Healing in Bloodborne style
  • Swapped enemies, bosses and NPCs

CorvanNoctics is still working hard on the mod and wants to add more weapons from Bloodborne in the future. But he’s already got the look of the horror soulslice down pat.

We have linked other exciting stories about Elden Ring above. In our Open World quiz, you can also prove how well you can find your way around the stopovers