ESO: 5 reasons why High Isle is worth it for all MMORPG fans


ESO will soon be getting a new chapter called High Isle. For all MMORPG fans, here are 5 good reasons to check it out

The MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) is about to get bigger. With High Isle come two whole islands full of new areas, quests, NPCs and an exciting storyline around intrigues and conspiracies. Here are five particularly good reasons to check out the new chapter!

What is High Isle? The theme in 2022 is «Legacy of the Bretons». However, you will not be transported to the heartlands of this people around the city of Dagger’s Fall, but to the Systren Archipelago far out at sea.

In the large chapter add-on High Isle, the eponymous region of High Isle and the neighbouring isle of Amenos are introduced as new areas. There, you can expect an exciting story about intrigue, betrayal and politics among the Bretons. There is also additional end-game content, a separate card game and new items.

These reasons all speak for High Isle in ESO

In the following paragraphs, we introduce you to 5 special features of High Isle that should please any fan of MMORPGs.

A new, exciting story that is clearly different from the previous chapters

What’s so great about it? For High Isle, the developers have opted for a completely new setting. High Isle and its neighbour Amenos on the Systren archipelago are a retreat for the Breton elite. They are far away from the mainland and the «War of the Three Banners». This is the great conflict that has been raging on the mainland for years, setting the peoples of the world against each other in battle.

On the islands, however, there is no sign of it. That is why members of all three alliances cavort here and the war does not take place here. However, this does not mean that peace, joy or even pancakes reign on the islands!

Two powerful noble houses each rule one of the two islands and intrigues and intrigues between the Breton nobles and their guests are the order of the day.

That alone would be enough material for an exciting story if there were not a sinister, hidden threat lurking in the background.

For the mysterious «Order of the Elevated» has set itself the task of reforming what it sees as a complacent and stagnant social order. And they do so with violence, subversion and rioting!

Therefore, the so-called «upwardly mobile prince» is happy with anything that promotes his unscrupulous goals. And your heroes, unfortunately, stand quite clearly in his way.

(The ambitious lord and his henchmen. You'll find out who he is and what he's up to in the main story.)
(The ambitious lord and his henchmen. You’ll find out who he is and what he’s up to in the main story.)

Who is the story interesting for? The new ESO story is a completely new story arc. So you don’t need to have played all the other stories and chapters in ESO to get into this one.

After the epic upheavals of the last chapters, where dragons (in your homeland!) were followed by a vampire invasion and a Daedra prince in the flesh wanted to shake up the world at the end, it’s back to a more down-to-earth setting.

So those who appreciate complex stories full of intrigue and entanglements à la Game of Thrones will have a lot to enjoy here. But don’t worry, it won’t just be about drinking tea with Breton nobles and not making a fool of yourself.

The secrets of the Druids in the wilderness and the story about the legendary «Fleet of All Flags» also offer enough material for fans of epic fantasy stories with lots of magic and mystery.

A completely new area never seen before in an Elder Scrolls game

What kind of areas can you expect? Two islands are being added as new regions. «High Island» is a tropical archipelago. It has only been seen on maps from other Elder Scrolls games, but now you can visit the archipelago for the first time.

Dense jungles, picturesque cliffs and the characteristic castles and towns of the Bretons await you there. The new map consists of two regions: High Island and Amenos.

High Island is an idyllic place where the medieval buildings of the Bretons lie amidst the colourful jungle. Far from the hustle and bustle of the mainland, the island offers a retreat for the Breton elite. So this time you play in a kind of holiday resort.

On Amenos, however, a prison and an island surrounded by stormy seas await you. Numerous escaped prisoners have run wild in the jungles of Amenos and pose a deadly danger to all adventurers.

Due to the machinations of mysterious druids, the island is particularly lush with plants. And some of them are more than just harmless bushes.

(Tropics meet medieval castles. High Isle impresses with a completely new setting.)
(Tropics meet medieval castles. High Isle impresses with a completely new setting.)

What else is there to discover? The developers at ZeniMax have created two different settings with the two islands. On High Island, things are civilised. Here you can expect intrigue and intrigue games in the Breton noble courts.

On Amenos, on the other hand, nature and the law of the strongest rule. Here you can fight your way through the jungles, explore ancient ruins and caves and get to the bottom of mysterious machinations.

There are also numerous ancient secrets to explore on both islands. For the Bretons and their druids have already roamed here in the past and left their traces.

For example, the legendary «fleet of all flags» had its origins in the Systren archipelago. The story of this massive naval force, which eradicated the threat of dark creatures of the sea in the past, is also part of the story in «Legacy of the Bretons».

So if you like to follow a complex story, are interested in the history of Tamriel and also have no problem with jungles, you will certainly feel at home in High Isle.

Fame Stories, a new game within the game

What are «stories of glory «? Behind this curious term is a game within a game. In this case, it is a card game in which you can compete against NPCs as well as against other players.

The focus is on various cards and decks that you can collect in the game world and put together yourself. The cards are not abstract images, but represent famous events and personalities from the ESO universe.

As rewards for the card battles, there are new achievements and special collectibles. There is even a separate ranking for the glory stories.

Who’s having fun with this? The glory stories are clearly aimed at all players who like to gamble other game genres in one game.

The glory stories can be played with NPCs in taverns, but also with other players. There is even a matchmaking feature in the game that allows you to find players immediately.

Those who fear that you will buy overpowered decks in the shop and thus let it all degenerate into a big Pay2Win spectacle can rest assured: according to ZeniMax, new cards will only be available to win in the game. There are no plans to sell cards or even decks in the real-money shop.

ESO is beginner-friendly and more enjoyable to play

What has changed? The Elder Scrolls Online was already a very complex game at release and getting started was not easy for every player. However, over the years and especially with the latest updates, a lot has changed.

Thanks to an area guide, you can now clearly follow the story without getting lost in the countless side quests. Unless that’s exactly what you want, because the guide will help you there, too.

The big new update 33 has also thoroughly revised the combat system. The change mainly concerns the scaling of the strength of abilities and the merging of different buffs.

Overall, the combat system is now easier to understand and you can put together a strong build without a lot of «theory crafting». «Play the way you want» is the developers’ motto here.

Also cool for beginners: The new companions are a great help, especially for newcomers, and take some of the work off your shoulders.

(ESO welcomes newcomers. It's never been easier to get into the MMORPG.)
(ESO welcomes newcomers. It’s never been easier to get into the MMORPG.)

For whom is this ideal? Those who have not been in ESO for a long time or who want to start completely fresh with High Isle will certainly be happy about these changes. After all, the differences between Stamina and Magicka builds are now far less extreme, and those who prefer one of the two energy resources are no longer so restricted.

Together with other useful changes such as the area guide, the companions and the account-wide achievements, ESO now offers many more incentives for returnees or complete newcomers.

Plus, there’s an all-new storyline that no one needs a Master’s degree in ESO lore to follow.

More Endgame Content

What awaits you in the Endgame? New fodder for the Endgame awaits you with High Isle. This time there is a new trial (other MMORPGS call it a raid) called «Grey Sail Reef».

This is where the notorious sea elf pirates from the Grey Sails will get their kicks. Those who have played the dungeons from the DLC package «Ascending Tide» should already have become acquainted with the Grey Sails villains.

In the trial, you put together your team of 12 players and storm the rogues’ hideout. There, several bosses await you, each with unique, challenging mechanics. The reward is Achievements and a new set called «Coral Surge».

If you like, after defeating the pirate vermin for the first time, you can complete the whole trial again in higher difficulty levels and pick up even better loot. Veterans looking for a new challenge will certainly have fun here.

(In the endgame, there is a test again. It's against pirates and lots of loot beckons.)
(In the endgame, there is a test again. It’s against pirates and lots of loot beckons.)

What else is there? Those who prefer to look for adventures in the open world will not be disappointed either. New world bosses roam the land, waiting for you to beat them up and rid them of their loot.

On top of that, there’s a new type of open-world event. The volcanic vents in High Isle take the place of events such as anchors, geysers, dragons or gale storms, which you may know from previous ESO chapters. Dangerous enemies also await you here, which you can take down together with other players in the open world.

On the other hand, those who like to scour the land for hidden treasures will be happy to know that the antiquities hunt known from Greymoor also takes place in the jungles of High Isle. So much for the reasons why you as MMORPG fans should definitely pay attention to ESO with High Isle.