Far Cry 6: Danny Trejo DLC accidentally launched too early, Ubisoft rows back

Far Cry 6 Danny Trejo-DLC

Don’t be surprised if you’ve already run into Danny Trejo in Far Cry 6. The DLC was released too early and kicked out again via update.

The first DLC for Far Cry 6 Danny & Dani vs. everyone else was supposed to be released in December 2021. The emphasis is on actually, because players could already run into actor Danny Trejo and get behind the wheel of his outrageously cool motorbike.

In the meantime, however, Ubisoft has revealed that this was an accident! The expansion for Far Cry 6 is not even finished yet and ended up in the game as a work-in-progress version. In the meantime, the latest title update for Far Cry 6 has already kicked Danny Trejo out again, while fans have already been able to get an idea of what to expect with the DLC, which will be released in December 2021.

What’s in store for Danny & Dani vs. everyone else in December?

This is officially announced: The first DLC for Far Cry 6 lets movie star Danny Trejo (Machete, From Dusk Till Dawn, Spy Kids) pay a visit to the island archipelago Yara. However, there were no concrete details about the expansion beforehand.

This has now been leaked: In the Yaran story, Juan links you with Danny Trejo, who has a special task for you. Danny actually only wants to supply the poor and hungry of Yara with his homemade tacos, but Anton Castillo’s soldiers put a spoke in his wheel.

In the role of Dani you have to find three ingredients (meat, pineapple and salsa) for Danny. Once you have done this, Danny wants to be defended from the advancing troops while he cooks. After completing the mission, Danny Trejo will give you his personal motorbike. You can see exactly how the mission goes in the following YouTube video:

When exactly is the DLC coming? Danny Trejo, his mission and his motorbike are actually supposed to be released in December 2021 – free of charge for every owner of the main game, by the way. Unfortunately, players who have already played the mission and grabbed the motorbike may not keep it – the Title Update 2 for Far Cry 6 have removed the accidentally released mission and its contents from the game again.

By the way, you can get all the information on all the DLCs planned for Far Cry 6 in the following overview: We provide you with everything you need to know about the Season Pass with the well-known villains Vaas, Pagan Min and Joseph Seed and all the free expansions that link up with Rambo and Stranger Things, among others.

Far Cry 6 roadmap revealed: DLCs with Pagan Min, Stranger Things and more

What does the Title Update 2 for Far Cry 6 bring?

The latest update for Far Cry 6 not only removes Danny Trejo from the game, but delivers a whole range of tweaks, fixes and even new content. After all, the update is also a whopping 54 GB in size on PC. We have summarised the most important changes for you as follows, you can get the complete patch notes on the second page of this article:

  • new daily and weekly challenges
  • new special operations: Los Tres Santos
  • adjusted respawn rate on José’s Island and Martínez Airfield
  • the intro sequence at the beginning of the game can now be skipped
  • the colour blind mode has been updated to fix problems for players with deuteranopia

Far Cry 6: All patch notes for Title Update 2

Gameplay updates

  • New daily and weekly challenges have been added
  • (Available on 9 November) New special operation: Los Tres Santos.
  • Adjusted the respawn rate of enemies in the following areas: José’s Island and Martínez (Philly’s) Airstrip.
  • General performance improvements.
  • Quality of life changes
  • The title sequence can now be skipped like other film sequences.
  • The Co-Op menu icon now displays a “!” when Co-Op becomes available to players.
  • More subtitles have been corrected to better reflect the intent, e.g. resources are now commonly referred to as resolver materials.
  • A Moneda tutorial was added after the first Uprising was completed.
  • Updated the background of the workbench to be less distracting.
  • Updated colour blind mode to fix several issues for players with deuteranopia, such as no white font on a yellow background.

Bug fixes


  • Fixed an issue that could cause an infinite loop when dying and a loading screen if an autosave was made while the player was dying.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the weekly challenge “Road Rage” to have an identical name to the in-game trophy. The weekly challenge is now called “Road Fatality”.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a player to fall through the world on rare occasions until they had to restart the game after crashing to the ground during a co-op session with a plane.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Automatic Turret gadget to be permanently equipped when loading a save file.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Wingsuit to be unavailable if the player had built the Hideout Network facility to level 1 before the launch day patches were applied.

Photo Mode

  • Fixed an issue that could cause connected controllers to vibrate continuously under certain circumstances when opening Photo Mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to be stuck in photo mode if they did not find a co-op partner when searching for players.
  • Missions
  • Fixed an issue that could cause a loop in the loading screen during the “Backseat Driver” mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause mission progress to pause if all ground troops were killed without being detected in the “Break the Chains” mission.
  • Fixed an issue where the missions “Triada Blessings” and “Boom or Bust” could not be completed correctly when completed in Co-Op mode.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Miguel to disappear and pause mission progress under certain circumstances during the “Second Son” mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause UI controls to appear on screen after the cinematic sequence in the mission “Harpoon”.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Paulo, Talia and Bicho to fall through the stage (but keep performing, the show must go on!) if you shot them with Discos Locos during the “Guerrilla Radio” mission.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the quest objective to disappear if you travel fast after watching the movie sequence in the mission “Bullet Points”.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Miguelina to stop responding during the mission “Sincerely Lorenzo: Obsession”.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the workbench to become unresponsive during the mission “Juan of a Kind”.
  • Fixed an issue where destroying all aircraft in the area before starting the mission “Fly Ball” could cause mission progress to pause.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause Raiza to get stuck during the “You or Die” mission.



  • Fixed an issue that could cause the “Play Together” option to remain greyed out if joining a session had previously failed.
  • Improved game responsiveness after extended co-op sessions.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to freeze for 60 seconds when exiting a Co-Op session after the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the UI to become unresponsive when attempting to accept a Co-Op invitation from a player who had previously hosted a Co-Op session on Stadia.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause players to receive a Trapper D1534951 error when trying to join a Co-Op session on Stadia.
  • Fixed an issue where players on Xbox Series X/S and Xbox One could not join a Co-Op session if they were already playing in a Co-Op session.

What do you think of the prematurely released DLC featuring Danny Trejo and Title Update 2 for Far Cry 6? Are you still playing the first-person shooter or have you already seen everything? Let us know in the comments.