Far Cry 6 meets Rambo


with new update.

Fans of the iconic action movies will get their money’s worth with the new, free title update for Far Cry 6. With the mission Until the Last Drop, you follow Rambo’s biggest fan on his quest for revenge against the Yara military.

After Ubisoft released the last DLC for Far Cry 6, it is now time for a free content update. Until the Last Drop tells the story of a Rambo fan who is out for revenge. The gameplay combines violent explosions with stealth elements, where the new revenge bow proves to be a handy weapon. Check out the trailer:

In addition, big fans can purchase the Rambo Pack. This unlocks new equipment, weapons, vehicles and clothes, turning Far Cry 6 more and more into an action movie. You can find out more in the (Patchnotes).
If you are interested in the other DLCs, you can learn more about (Vaas: Madness) and (Pagan: Control). We also introduce you to the (DLC with Dani Trejo).