Far Cry 6: Trailer presents the final roguelike DLC “Collapse”


As we all know, good things come in threes. Therefore, after Vaas Montenegro and Pagan, another villain of the Far Cry series gets his personal DLC: Joseph Seed. The expansion “Collapse” has been available as an expansion for Far Cry 6 since 8 February 2022 and relies on the same principle as “Madness” and “Control”. We dive deep into the psyche of one of the villains and explore his past and inner conflicts in an abstract illusory world.

Of course, Joseph Seed does not take you to an island full of pirates or to mountains inspired by Tibet, but to American Montana. So, as in the previous add-ons, you fight your way through hordes of enemies and probably die a screen death or two in the process. In Roguelite fashion, this resets your progress in the game world, but your personal abilities remain intact.