Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: 20 GB patch 1.3.0 brings level scaling, new event and more

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update
Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update

The new update 1.3.0 for Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla launches the Sigrblot Festival, brings level scaling and preparation for the Paris DLC. Here are the patch notes.

On 27 July, Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will receive the big update 1.3.0 and prepares the action adventure for the upcoming DLC Siege of Paris. You won’t have to wait much longer for it. The new patch also contains fresh content for the main game.

With the update 1.3.0, Ubisoft heralds the new in-game festival Sigrblot, brings the recently announced level scaling into the game and grants protagonist Eivor new skills.

The most important new features of Patch 1.3.0

– Patch 1.3.0 will be released on 27 July at 14:00. Depending on the platform you choose, you will need to allow a little time for the download, as it will weigh quite a bit. You can find the exact details below, but here are the most exciting new features.

– Siege of Paris: The second big DLC finally has a release date – it starts on 12 August. The patch already prepares the game for it, but you will need an additional download later on

– Sigrblot Festival: From 29 July to 19 August, you can participate in new festival activities and earn exclusive rewards, including one-handed swords. However, to access the festival you must have already reached England, completed one of the first two story chapters and brought your settlement to level 2.

– Level Scaling: You can now adjust the enemy difficulty in detail using six different settings and make the battles more crisp. However, bosses and special game modes are not affected by this.

– Bugfixes: Numerous bugs in quests and in the open world have been fixed.

In addition, there are new skills that Eivor can learn:

Light Fingered: Nearby Loot is now automatically collected.

Thrill of War: As long as you are in combat, you will automatically generate adrenaline.

Heidrun Slam: While sprinting, press a button to slam your knee into your opponent’s face.

Idunn’s Heart: Passive regeneration of recently lost life energy after a short delay.

Survival Instinct: When you have less than a third of life energy, you can use adrenaline for a short healing.

Wolf Warrior: Your damage increases the less life you have.

How big is the download?

Depending on which platform you play, you will have to download more or less. However, the update is by no means too small. Here are the individual download sizes:

– PC: 20.4 GB (main game) to 31.37 GB (with Season Pass)
– Xbox Series X/S: 23.79 GB
– Xbox One: 17.72 GB
– PlayStation 5: 6.85 GB
– PlayStation 4: 15.3 to 24.5 GB depending on region

With the many updates, Ubisoft has regularly improved the game and many bugs that existed at release have already been ironed out. For this reason, we have also recently upgraded Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

In addition to the free updates, Ubisoft is also working on paid expansions. The first DLC has already been released and the second is on its way. All information about the downloadable expansions can be found in our Overview of DLC content for Assassin’s Creed Valhalla.

All patch notes for patch 1.3.0

The patch notes are from the official blog entry from Ubisoft and are only available in English so far.